What Happened When I Started Taking Ozempic and What to Expect - GoodRx (2024)

Key takeaways:

  • Alexandra Clements started taking Ozempic to treat prediabetes.

  • She’s lost 90 lbs and is able to exercise more easily.

  • A significant benefit for her is how Ozempic “quiets the food noise.”

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Alexandra Clements has lost 90 lbs since she started taking Ozempic in August 2022.

Her doctor prescribed the medication to treat her prediabetes and binge eating disorder.

She sees her doctor every 3 months for checkups to make sure the medication is working well at her current dose and make any needed adjustments.

Alexandra, a 27-year-old financial analyst from Virginia Beach, Virginia, says she notices more benefits than side effects from Ozempic and is happy with her results so far.

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“It has worked well for me,” she says. “The overall hunger hasn’t come back.”

Experiencing Ozempic side effects

The main side effect Alexandra experiences is fatigue after each dose. She takes the medicine in a weekly 1 mg shot. Overall, she says, she feels good. The longer she’s on Ozempic, the easier it is to manage the tiredness. Now she only feels tired the day after her shot.

“I felt more fatigued in the beginning,” she says. “And I feel it whenever we increase the dosage.”

A year ago, she felt like staying in bed the day after her shot. But that lack of energy goes away and “you get used to it, and things get better,” Alexandra says.

Today, she’s able to do light exercise the day after her Ozempic shot, such as walking her dog.

She times her shot during the week so that she can more easily manage the tiredness. Other people she speaks with through online forums plan their shots for the weekend, so they have time to recover.

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Adjusting to weight loss and exercise

Alexandra lost between 12 and 15 lbs during her first month taking Ozempic.

“It decreased from there, and that’s normal,” she says. “I’ve been taking the medicine for a year, and I’m still losing weight. It’s just slower.”

If your healthcare provider prescribes Ozempic, you start with a lower dose, such as 0.25 mg. Your doctor gradually increases the dose based on your results and how well you tolerate the medicine. Over time, the medicine’s effects decrease, so your doctor might increase your dose.

Alexandra’s been using the 1 mg dose for about a year.

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As the weight came off, exercise became easier. Now Alexandra walks her dogs, weight-lifts and exercises with a Peloton bike.

“As I’ve felt better and lost weight, I’ve been able to do more things.”

For example, she and her husband also go hiking.

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Quieting the food noise

One of the biggest positive changes for Alexandra is the way Ozempic stopped her from constantly thinking about food.

While the medication is not approved as a treatment for binge eating disorder, Alexandra says she and others who share their experiences in online forums notice a difference.

Before Ozempic, Alexandra says, she would wake up thinking about what to eat for breakfast. As soon as she ate that meal, she would start thinking about what she would eat next.

“It was a constant preoccupation with what and when I was going to eat next,” Alexandra says.

Now, she eats breakfast and doesn’t usually think about food until she feels hungry again.

“People like me ask if this is how other people think about food,” she says. “I don’t feel like I’m starving anymore and can’t get enough.”


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Dealing with other side effects

Alexandra has not experienced nausea or vomiting while taking Ozempic. She does get constipation. The medicine slows digestion, so constipation is a common side effect of taking Ozempic.

“I will say, if you eat past when you are full on Ozempic, it feels like you are full for a very long time,” she says. “If you choose to eat past fullness, you may not feel well because of the longer digestion process.

Heartburn at night was also an issue for Alexandra. To avoid the condition, she now eats her last meal of the day at 4PM.

Anticipating medication costs and shortages

Alexandra’s health insurance covers most of the cost of her Ozempic shots, which are prescribed for prediabetes. She’s responsible for a $50 copay for a 2-month supply.

However, she received a letter from her insurance company requiring pre-authorization for Ozempic in 2024. Alexandra is anticipating an increase in her copayment due in part to the rise in off-label prescriptions being written for weight loss.

She’s been affected by shortages of Ozempic a few times, too. In November 2023, she didn’t have the shots for 2 weeks.

“When you’re able to take it again, it hits you harder,” she says. “I also feel a little hungrier, but nothing like it was before.”

Taking time to notice changes

Alexandra encourages anyone starting Ozempic to be patient for a few months, as it can take time before noticing big changes.

She says a lot of things — the fatigue, food noise and weight loss — evened out for her over time. Now she knows what to expect after taking each shot.

“I’m just excited that I no longer feel hungry all the time,” Alexandra says. “I’m very happy with my progress. I’d be happy if it stopped now.”

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What Happened When I Started Taking Ozempic and What to Expect - GoodRx (2024)


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