Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (2024)

Published: by Laura Arteaga

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Our Tofu served with a Spicy Peanut Sauce is creamy, rich, nutty, vegan, and gluten-free, the perfect weeknight dinner to serve with rice, noodles, or even to enjoy on its own.

Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (1)

If you already know us, you may have noticed our love for peanut butter. Two of the most popular recipes on the blog are made with peanut butter: Tofu Satay with Peanut Sauce and this delicious Thai Peanut Curry.

At home, you can always find a big jar of peanut butter. We like choosing brands that only use one ingredient for their peanut butter, peanuts!

Normally, we make dipping sauces for our dishes but this time, we decided to make a rich and spicy peanut butter and coconut milk sauce to coat our tofu with. We recommend serving the tofu with some jasmine rice or noodles. We got inspired by Healthy Nibbles and her amazing Spicy Tofu with Coconut Sauce.

All you need to make this yummy tofu bowl recipe are 8 simple ingredients, a saucepan for the peanut sauce, a pan to pan-fry the tofu, and 20 minutes of your time.

Our Spicy Peanut Tofu is:

  • Vegan
  • Gluten-free (using tamari instead of soy sauce)
  • Spicy
  • Asian-flavored
  • Packed with protein
  • Creamy
  • Rich
  • Easy to make
  • Quick to prepare
Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (2)

What is the best way to cook your Tofu

Tofu is by far our favorite protein. So versatile, we create many dishes using this plant-based ingredient. If you have a look at our blog, you will find a lot of recipes using tofu, mainly Asian-style.

People keep asking us how can tofu taste so nice at home and so bland when they cook it themselves. One simple and quick answer: tofu needs a deep-in-flavor marinade or a sauce and some love when cooking it.

We have tried cooking this protein in different ways and our favorite way is still frying the tofu in a pan with a little bit of vegetable or sesame oil. Pan-frying the tofu at a medium-low temperature while you keep turning the tofu pieces to cook each side is a perfect way, in our opinion, to cook it.

It gets golden and crispy on the outside and moist and fluffy on the inside. It may take a bit longer than baking or deep frying it, but it's definitely worth it.

What type of tofu should you choose?

For this recipe, where the tofu is the centerpiece and gets cooked and coated with a rich sauce, you will need firm or extra firm tofu.

If you are getting tofu fresh from an Asian supermarket, you may need to get the extra firm type. They tend to be softer than the tofu you can buy at your regular supermarket.

When making this dish, we choose to cut our tofu into square pieces, it makes it easier to handle when cooking it.

Last tip: Get good quality tofu and you will notice the difference.

Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (3)

How to make Our Spicy Peanut Sauce

Our sauce is briefly cooked using a saucepan and whisked to get a perfectly smooth consistency. Once you have the ingredients ready, your sauce will be made in 5 minutes.


Peanut Butter. We use toasted peanut butter as it has a deeper flavor. Choose a smooth peanut butter that uses just one ingredient: Peanuts.

Coconut Milk. To get the perfect creaminess of the sauce, we add coconut milk to the mixture. You can as well use cashew cream or another vegetable milk or cream.

Sambal Oelek. We use Sambal Oelek for the spicy touch but if you prefer a milder sauce, you can skip this ingredient or add ½ teaspoon of chili flakes instead. You can substitute this ingredient for sriracha or another chili paste or sauce. If you are making this dish for young kids or toddlers, skip this!

Shallot. Shallots or yellow onion give the sauce the perfect sweetness.

Ginger. Use fresh or dried ginger.

Soy Sauce or Tamari. To balance the sweetness from the sauce, we like adding some soy sauce or tamari for a gluten-free option.

Lime juice. Last and really important ingredient, lime juice to add some tanginess.

Step by Step Method

  1. Prepare your ingredients by finely slicing the shallot and grating or finely chopping the ginger if using fresh.
  2. Heat some coconut or vegetable oil in a saucepan and add the shallot and ginger.
  3. Stirfry for 2-3 minutes and add the coconut milk.
  4. Add the peanut butter and mix well.
  5. Add the sambal, lime juice and soy sauce.
  6. Whisk all the ingredients to make sure they are totally incorporated.

All you need to do now is to add your perfectly pan-fried tofu and serve your delicious Spicy Peanut Tofu.

Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (4)

Serving Suggestions

Our Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce is an easy recipe that can be served as an appetizer or as a main dish.

When we serve it as an appetizer, we place the tofu bowl in the middle for people to serve themselves. If you have a clay dish, use it to serve the tofu as it will hold the heat for longer. Adding some cilantro or fresh chillis on the top gives the dish the perfect touch for a nice presentation.

Served as a main dish, we enjoy cooking some jasmine rice or noodles with it. Adding some vegetables will make a perfectly balanced meal.

You can use this spicy tofu for your Poke Bowls, Buddha Bowls, Tofu Bowls, Burritos, Salads, and many other dishes.

If you have any leftovers, you can keep them in the fridge for 3-4 days.

Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (6)

Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce

Our Tofu served with a Spicy Peanut Sauce is creamy, rich, nutty, vegan, and gluten-free, the perfect weeknight dinner or appetizer.

4.50 from 16 votes

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Course: Appetizer, Main Course

Cuisine: asian

Keyword: Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce

Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes minutes

Servings: 4 people

Calories: 283kcal


  • 400 g firm tofu
  • 1 Shallot
  • 1 thumb-sized piece ginger
  • ¼ cup peanut butter
  • 200 ml coconut milk
  • ½ tablespoon Sambal Oelek
  • ½ tablespoon soy sauce
  • Juice of ½ lime

Metric - US Customary


  • Remove any excess of water from the tofu with a paper towel, gently pressing the block. Cut into medium size square pieces.

  • Heat some sesame oil or vegetable oil in a pan and add the tofu cubes. Pan fry each side of the tofu for a few minutes or until golden. Leave aside.

  • Prepare your ingredients for the sauce by finely slicing the shallot and grating or finely chopping the ginger if using fresh ginger.

  • Heat some coconut or vegetable oil in a saucepan and add the shallot and ginger. Stir-fry for 2-3 minutes and add the coconut milk.

  • Add the peanut butter and mix well. Straight after, add the sambal, lime juice and soy sauce.

  • Whisk all the ingredients to make sure they are totally incorporated.

  • Add the tofu, mix until all the pieces are perfectly coated and serve.

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Calories: 283kcal | Carbohydrates: 8g | Protein: 14g | Fat: 23g | Saturated Fat: 12g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 5g | Monounsaturated Fat: 6g | Sodium: 211mg | Potassium: 240mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 1IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 144mg | Iron: 3mg

If you tried our recipe, please leave a comment or tag us on Instagram. We are always happy to see your creations!


  • Tofu Stir fry with Cashews
  • Teriyaki Tofu
  • Tofu Satay with Peanut Sauce
  • 15 Chinese Tofu Recipes
Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (7)

About Laura Arteaga

I'm Laura, originally from Mallorca, Spain. My culinary journey began at 21, and despite my background in Economics, cooking stole my heart. I am now a full time writer and food blogger. My food philosophy is simple: "Eat more real food." Through my writing and recipes, I want to inspire people to transition to a plant-based life style, to eat more vegetarian food, or simply to try new recipes in the comfort of their homes.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Robin says

    Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (8)
    One of the tastiest tofu recipes I’ve ever tried!! It literally left me craving tofu!!!!


    • Laura says

      Thank you Robin! Glad you liked it!


  2. Cillian says

    Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (9)
    This is such a good, simple recipe when you want something tasty but don't want to be cooking for ages! Just made it tonight for dinner - I ended up throwing in a chopped red bell pepper and some brown mushrooms when sauteeing the shallot and ginger and let them simmer in the sauce along with the tofu. Served it over jasmine rice with baby spinach wilted with garlic, sesame oil and soy sauce. Thank you!


    • Laura says

      Thank you Cillian, we are glad you liked it!


  3. Astrid says

    Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (10)
    Soooo Yummy. I made this for dinner a few nights ago and will be making this again soon. I added some green beans and served it over rice noodles. This sauce will work great with any vegetable in addition to the tofu or even without it. I've been searching for an easy, yet super flavorful peanut sauce and I think I finally found it. Thank you.


    • Laura says

      Thank you Astrid, so glad you liked our recipe. We make it really often at home, so simple and good!


  4. Nina says

    I want to add udon noodles, mushrooms and red pepper, maybe one more veg. If I want to double the sauce so there’s enough for all the additions, should I double everything, even the shallot and ginger?


    • Laura says

      Hi Nina, you can add more shallot and ginger if you like the taste that these ingredients add to the food as you will be making more sauce 🙂


  5. Linda says

    Can I use Silk unsweetened coconut milk?


    • Laura says

      Hi Linda, we've never tried using silk unsweetened coconut milk before but I think it will work just fine!


  6. Sarom says

    Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (11)
    this was perfect! exactlly the flavor I was searching for and tried so many different recipes! Thank you so much 🙂


    • Laura says

      Thank you Sarom, really glad you enjoyed our recipe!


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Tofu with Spicy Peanut Sauce - Six Hungry Feet - Recipes (2024)


What to serve with tofu satay? ›

Serve the satay and peanut sauce with steamed rice or noodles, and a side of stir-fried greens or roast potatoes.

Can you deep fry tofu? ›

Cut the tofu up into easy-to-eat squares and cover these entire surfaces with flour. Heat the deep-frying oil to 180℃ (356F) and place the tofu squares inside, deep-fry for 4~5 minutes until crispy. Remove from the oil and sprinkle on soy sauce prior to eating.

How to cook plain tofu? ›

Heat vegetable oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high. Add the tofu to the pan, making sure not to overcrowd the pan (otherwise it'll steam). Cook the tofu until golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes per side.

What is the best thing to eat with tofu? ›

There's lot of different sides that go well with tofu. Tofu is a versatile plant-based protein source that can be eaten with grains (rice, quinoa, barley, and more), pasta, veggies (stir fry, air fried, roasted, and more), on top of salads, and in buddha bowls.

What do Japanese eat tofu with? ›

Popular tofu dishes

Pour a little bit of soy sauce over the tofu if it did not come already seasoned. Yudofu are tofu pieces boiled in a clear, mild soup and dipped into soy sauce or ponzu (lemon-flavored soy sauce) before being eaten. Yudofu is a Kyoto specialty and commonly served during the colder seasons.

What is the best oil to fry tofu in? ›

Frying oil: Regular vegetable or canola oil, peanut, corn, safflower or sunflower oil are all good options for frying.

Is tofu good for you? ›

Soybeans and soy products like tofu are rich in isoflavones. These flavonoids (plant-based chemicals) help lower your blood pressure and offer other heart-protective benefits. A 2020 study found that people who ate a serving of tofu each week had an 18% lower risk of heart disease than those who didn't.

Do you marinate tofu before or after frying? ›

Simply marinate your tofu then fry, bake, or cook in the air fryer for beautifully crispy tofu that tastes delicious every single time.

What not to mix with tofu? ›

I love tofu and spinach, but she told me not to mix the two because calcium in tofu will react to oxalate in the spinach and promotes the formation of kidney stones.

What is the tastiest way to make tofu? ›

Baking is my go-to method for how to cook tofu. It yields flavorful, firm cubes that are perfect for adding to a stir fry, salad, or bowl!

What happens if you don't press tofu before cooking? ›

Here's the thing: even though tofu might be labeled firm or extra-firm, it contains a lot of water. This excess water can cause the tofu to crumble when you cook it, and it will also have a hard time crisping up. But when you press tofu, you remove the excess moisture.

What is the accompaniment of satay? ›

For accompaniments, Thai-style satay is nearly always served with a zesty peanut dipping sauce and a spoonful of refreshing cucumber relish. Satay is versatile; it can be a savory snack with drinks, or served with steamed rice for a light meal.

What do people eat satay with? ›

It is normally eaten with peanut sauce, rice, and a traditional soup made of coconut milk and herbs. Sate Blora is grilled in front of buyers as they are eating. The buyers tell the vendor to stop grilling when they are sated.

What does satay come with? ›

Several sticks can be eaten at one go due to the small, bite-sized pieces of meat. Satay is often accompanied by ketupat (steamed rice) wrapped in woven coconut leaf packets. Some types of satay come with a much sweeter flavour with a twirl of kechap manis (sweet sauce) added to the peanut sauce.

What to eat with peanut satay sauce? ›

Peanut sauce is the classic dipping sauce for chicken satay (grilled chicken skewers) and makes a delicious dipping sauce for rice paper rolls, shrimp, potstickers, tempura and fresh vegetables including cucumber slices, carrot sticks and red pepper strips.


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