The Longevity Kitchen: Satisfying, Big-Flavor Recipes F… (2024)


1,443 reviews1,798 followers

March 22, 2015

I'm really starting to become more conscious about what I eat and how it affects me, and so I've been doing some research on the subject. I bought a couple books on nutrition and read this one this weekend. Well, "read" in the sense that I read the intro to the book and the sections, but I haven't read all of the recipes yet.

I think that this book has a lot of useful info and tips, and I especially liked the section which outlined the specific benefits of certain foods.

There's so much conflicting information on nutrition, and it's... daunting. This was helpful and clearly laid out, which I appreciated. I would definitely recommend giving it a read, but decide for yourself what make sense for you.

    non-fiction owned reference


533 reviews35 followers

December 20, 2013

Admittedly I've only made three of the recipes in this book, but they were all winners. I like how Katz promotes the benefits of healthy food without calling other types of food "poison" or demeaning people who might eat them - something that turned me off of Sara Forte's The Sprouted Kitchen: A Tastier Take on Whole Foods almost immediately. The issue I have with this book is that a lot of the ingredients are quite costly - the alternatives to regular flour that she suggests are pretty pricey, and she suggests several. I can't afford to buy several different kinds of flour only to use a scoop or two every time I make one specific recipe. She also repeats a lot of the same flavors throughout, which would get kind of boring to me. I understand that she's trying to promote the power of specific spices, but I couldn't eat out of this cookbook all the time!

As a supplement to other cookbooks, this one is great, but if (like me) you don't have the budget to keep multiple specialty flours on hand, I'd stay away from the recipes that call for them.

    cookbooks nonfiction


137 reviews5 followers

May 14, 2014

I'm a pretty healthy eater (minus my wicked sweet tooth I am trying to keep in check), but I am always looking for good bits of information on how to incorporate more health into my (and my family's) life. And now that I am approaching my 40s (Gasp!), the idea of eating well to live a long, healthy life is my goal. Yes, I want to be able to fit in my jeans, but really what I want most is to be fit, strong, and energetic day in and day out. The Longevity Kitchen presents the “Super Sixteen” – 16 foods that are the most beneficial and healthy, and incorporates them in to delicious recipes. It was an entertaining read packed with beautiful pictures and delicious sounding recipes. It is one of those books that I tagged a zillion pages...oh, that sounds good. Yum...I need Brian to make that. Because my husband is the chef of our household, I will have to wait and see if they taste delicious. :)

Steph Myers

345 reviews3 followers

March 7, 2013

Lovely pictures, great suggestions yadda yadda yadda. However, the recipes have so many ingredients that I'm immediately turned off. I'm a less that 10 items in my recipe kind of girl as much as possible unless it is a special occasion. Way too much work for this working girl.

    cooking nonfiction nutrition

V Luttrell

159 reviews7 followers


December 20, 2015

It is great to have a new heath book around this time of the year because we will need it in January! Lots of recipes with over 120 ones you will make over and over

Michelle Hankes

Author4 books34 followers

February 3, 2017

The Longevity Kitchen has become a new favorite cookbook. It's no surprise that I love a good cookbook and I order them often. But, this one, I hemmed and hawed about for awhile.


I'll be honest. I love cookbooks, but I am not a fan of diet books. I've read many in my lifetime and they often say the same thing: eat this, don't eat that; do this and you will be svelte. But, if that were true, the weight loss industry wouldn't be a billion-dollar industry. It should be simple - eat healthy and you'll be healthy. Somehow, this isn't always true. Don't we all know folks who eat crazy healthy and still have ails and others who eat processed franken-food every day and seem to be healthy as a herd of horses?

Still, I was willing to take a look.

This book had some intriguing elements. It's endorsed by Andrew Weil, a health-guru physician whose life purpose has become about teaching folks to eat, live, and be healthy to enjoy health and wellness; it's about lifestyle, not a quick fix; it never once mentions weight loss. This book mirrors Andrew Weil's motto: food is medicine. And what you put in does affect the machine.

The book begins with a nice foreword by Dr. Weil, followed by a short-and-sweet intro by the author. Some background, some reasoning, some life lessons that lead to a future in nutrition counseling. The next several chapters include an in-depth, but not overwhelming look at nutrition, the top 16 powerhouse foods, and a very generous introduction about how various body systems are affected by food. A definite favorite is the section on the culinary pharmacy and how specific foods, such as kale, walnuts, cabbage and cardamom interact and affect the body. A great definitive go-to A-Z listing of many top healing foods (well beyond the top 16). This is followed by a common ailments section where you can look up specific body issues such as stress, immunity, and flexibility and match them to healing recipes found in the book. Another great cross-reference section. The final intro section includes some great cooking tips about how to make food taste great. Let's be honest. No matter how much kale, spinach, or broccoli is good for you, people aren't going to make lasting changes if the food doesn't taste great. Some basic tips about fats, acids, sweet, and sour can make all the difference between success and abandonment.

From here, we jump right into the healing recipes: Magic Mineral Broth, Chicken Tortilla Soup, Southeast Asian Seafood Stew, Roasted Asparagus Salad with Arugula and Hazelnuts, Sweet-and-Sour Asian Cabbage and Kale, Sweet Potato and Zucchini Pancakes, Cauliflower Puree with Cumin and Lime, Roasted Halibut with Lime and Papaya and Avocado Salsa, Greek Chicken Salad, Mediterranean Kebabs, Sweet Potato Bars, Silk Road Spiced Walnuts, Curried Deviled Eggs, and many more, plus recipes for dressings, elixirs, tonics, and sweets. Yum.

I'm hooked.

There's not much in this book that I wouldn't make and eat. I find that when I eat this way, I feel great. I can go for longer periods of time between meals without any haze or drop in blood sugar and I crave the healthy stuff. Food does heal. We just have to give it a long-term chance and put down the Twinkie.

*This book was given to me by Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review. I'm glad they did. I have found a new favorite.

Nora St Laurent

1,513 reviews95 followers

December 18, 2015

In the forward a Dr. talks about quality of life and how many American’s are overwhelmed about where to begin eating healthy. Many don’t even know how to cook. I liked reading about how life has changed from what our parents and grandparents grew up doing. They ran their own kitchens, had their own workshops and were generally more self-reliant. “Medicine:, says Dr. Andrew Weil, “…was originally rooted in nature drawing in the healing powers of herbs, spices, and food…We are at a critical moment in terms of societal health. I’ll be blunt: We’ve reached the top of the rollercoaster ride, and if we don’t relearn how to really take care of ourselves.. we are plunging towards chronic illness…I’ve devoted much of my professional life to educating people about how they can use great foods, deliciously prepared, to create a sense of well-being that they can enjoy every day and nurture them across a lifetime. These authors fused together a blend of taste and science that is irresistible to the palate and the mind.”

Author Rebecca Katz says, “I’ve spent more than a decade motivating people to eat well…My primary tool has been flavor, as I showed people how great taste and great nutrition can joyfully coexist at the dinner table.” She continues, “…Issue in a nutshell: Every day I meet smart motivated folks – who want to dive into eating well…but they don’t know where to start…I can provide a culinary clue: instead of looking for some magic app or whiz-bang futuristic solution, like a meal-in-a-pill or a push button Star Trek-type food replicator.”

This writing team helps readers re-think how they view food. She says, “…view food as something that connects their families to the earth and to wellness – perspective that probably comes more naturally to those whose gardens and farms are their primary source of substance. That ability to nature, which can be learned and shared is incredibly empowering….what you chose to put on your plate can both improve your quality of life and extend your years.”

Chapter one gives the reader a brief and simple overview of the body and nutrition. Rebecca talks about the gut, liver and Kidney’s their functions and what they need to work properly. She discusses the immune system – why whole foods are great team players to make your body strong and function well. She includes a helpful culinary pharmacy that is 14 pages long. Filled with ingredients listed in alpha order starting from Allspice and ending with Yogurt. She writes a paragraph on each ingredient. What it is, where you can find it and its healing power. I found this a great resource and will be referring to it often. She then talks about eating to enhance and enjoy life – from Science to the plate. I like how this author helps readers begin this journey, “Be patient with yourself. Cooking is a process of trial and error. Learning what you like and how to create it can work wonders in overcoming any resistance you may feel toward cooking and eating well. I found the questions listed under the heading,” Discovering your culinary GPS” helpful. Great way to plunge into this new beginning.

The author starts out each recipe with a paragraph talking about the dish and its benefits. The recipe lists the ingredients on the left hand side of the page. Many of the recipes have lots of spices and ingredients that can be found in most regular grocery stores. She uses a combination of fresh and dried herbs for her dishes. Some recipes have 26 or more ingredients (mostly spices) and some have as little as 5. Many used a ¼, ½ or a full teaspoon of each spice. This author is out for full flavor with the most health benefits. Dry ingredients last a long time and will be worth the investment. I know I’m going to be on the lookout for sales!

The author includes the prep time, cooking time, how to store the dish and the nutritional break down for each recipe. There are helpful cooking notes, and a Who Knew? Section that points out health information.

The first chapter is titled Life-Enhancing Soups and Broths: Can’t wait to try Chicken Magic Mineral Broth 2.0 and Velvety Mediterranean Gazpacho with Avocado Cream. Another soup that looked great was Costa Rican Black Bean Soup with Sweet Potatoes and Chicken Tortilla soup. The Southeast Asian Seafood stew looked yummy along with Peppino’s Cowboy minestrone with her mini meatballs.

Under Vital Vegetables section the recipes I want to try are Avocado Lover’s Salad, Roasted Asparagus Salad with Arugula and Hazelnuts, Strawberry, Fennel and Arugula Salad, Walnut, Date and Herb Salad, Tuscan Beans and Greens, Sweet Potato and Zucchini Pancakes.

In the GRAINS Chapter I want to try Not Your Typical Tabouli, Faro with Kale-Basil Pesto, Brown Rice Pilaf with Saffron and Ginger, Triple-Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto.

Protein Building Foods – I’d like to try Layered Frittata with Leeks, Swiss Chard and Tomatoes, Black bean Skillet Cakes with Poached Eggs, Roasted Wild Salmon with Olive and Mint Vinaigrette, Flat out Good Chicken, Pan-Seared Scallops with Citrus Drizzle, and Herby Turkey Sliders.

Nibbles and Noshes – Sweet Potato Bars looked good along with Wendy’s Wunderbars, Gluten-Free Blueberry Mini-Muffins, Thyme Onion Muffins, and Minted Guacamole with Pomegranate Seeds.

Dollops of Yum – The author says this is a great place to begin cooking. “I feel this section is a necessary accessory finishing to any dish. She says, “…because they are concentrated, their health benefits rival those of many of the recipes in other chapters.”

A chart of the dollops you can make with the page number to the recipe are listed alongside it is a list of what recipes they go best with; page numbers included. She also listed the health benefits, how to store dollops, how you can make them ahead and freeze them. The ones that jumped out to me were Greener than Green Goddess Dressing, Sesame Miso Dressing, Lemony Balsamic Vinaigrette, Lemon Dijon Vinaigrette, Papaya and Avocado Salsa, Pomegranate Molasses, Yogurt Tahini Sauce, Yogurt Sauce with Citrus and Mind.

There is a section for drinks called Invigorating Tonics and Elixirs and the last is Sweet Bites. The desserts I want to try are Coffee-Infused Chocolate Sorbet, Apple-Raspberry Nut Insanely Good Chocolate Brownies. She also includes a recipe on making your own Almond flour.

There is a helpful resource list in the back where she tells you where you can find everything from a big 16 quart stockpot to heirloom rice. There are websites listed to help you find local farmers markets. She has resources for specialty ingredients and National grocery chains and on-line markets.

This book is packed with nutritional information I could easily assimilate and put into practice in my everyday life. Can’t wait to get started!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Blogging for Books site. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsem*nts and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog
Book Fun Magazine


66 reviews

January 13, 2021


If you are an Elyse Kopecky or Andrew Weil fan...Rebecca Katz is is the mastermind. I love this cook book. There is some overlap with Elyse Kopecky and Andrew Weil recipes (variations thought).

    kitchen-shelf own


76 reviews7 followers

September 16, 2017

I only got to make one recipe, library book so it had to go back. Seemed like a good book though. I like that it offers a number of staple items as well as healthy meals.



1,740 reviews9 followers

December 21, 2017

no dairy except yogurt
no grains
allows corn, potatoes, buckwheat, rice, and quinoa



Author1 book5 followers

May 6, 2021

Solid cookbook. A lot of good recipes and information in here.


1,193 reviews55 followers

February 5, 2013

An impressive claim to be sure - by eating recipes from this book it can help combat and prevent chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, arthritis and other ailments that will let you live longer, healthier lives.

Does it match up in reality? Well this reviewer is not a doctor and this is not medical advice - not that all doctors can agree on things anyway at times. Such advice is between you and your healthcare professional. That said, it is clear that some food can be shown to have an effect on our health and lifespan, so by avoiding such problem we can possibly change our life, but we cannot guarantee it will be any better but we may gain from psychological benefits that accrue, even if there are no direct physical changes that we can see.

The authors appear to have done their research (and the references at the end can lead you to many of the same original sources should you be so inclined to investigate further). At first a lengthy chapter examines food, nutrition and your body, examining what each key part of the body does and why it does it with, of course, a focus on food matters. The next chapter looks at the healing power of food, throwing up a number of key thoughts about many ingredients and their possible roles. Did you know, for example, cinnamon has a many anti-inflammatory, diabetes prevention, digestive support and pain relief properties?

At this point, hopefully where you may be sold on the idea or at least be willing to try it, you get a lot of good advice how to utilise the book to its best - unlike many books it appears to focus on the facts rather than superficially gee up the reader with unreal expectations and plenty of "rah! rah! you can do it!" type of exhalations.

On to the recipes. They are split into the following chapters, odd names and all: life-enhancing soups and broths; vital vegetables; generous grains; protein-building foods; nibbles & noshes; dollops of yum!; invigorating tonics & elixirs and finally sweet bites. It is pleasing to see that the authors have not taken a specific line such as banning meat or cream. A bit of everything in balance with focus on key ingredients seems to be the inner mantra. Or just choice.

The recipes themselves at first look complicated but that is to the sheer amount of information on each page. A detailed introduction, ingredients list, comprehensively-written instructions and further notes and tips as well. A small breakout box details the typical preparation and cooking times (hurrah!), storage suggestions and average nutritional information. Sadly not all recipes feature their own full colour photograph, which is a shame, as they can really drag you in and encourage you to try something you might be uncertain of or sceptical towards. Many eat with their eyes! About the only disappointment (with a small D) is the book is rather U.S. insular - it would not have been so hard to have dual measurement units with each recipe and referring to the conversion chart at the back of the book is not really a solution. One assumes that the book features an equally detailed index at the rear, yet this review copy did not feature that. If such a thing is important to you, as it can be, check before purchase.

So in conclusion, this reviewer feels more positive towards this book than many other comparable ones in its genre. It adopts a more plain sense, matter-of-fact, here's the facts/opinions/solutions, leaving the enthusiasm and promotional bits to the reader to generate rather than rely on an artificial construct. Bravo! The good thing about this book is that it does not claim to be the one and only way forward. You can use recipes from it and follow its guidelines with a good conscience as any possible change for the good is a bonus or a benefit.

The Longevity Kitchen: Satisfying, Big-Flavor Recipes Featuring the Top 16 Age-Busting Power Foods, written by Rebecca Katz & Mat Edelson and published by Ten Speed Press. ISBN 9781607742944, 256 pages. Typical price: USD29.99. YYYY.

// This review appeared in and is reproduced here in full with permission of celebrates the worldwide diversity of food and drink, as presented through the humble book. Whether you call it a cookery book, cook book, recipe book or something else (in the language of your choice) YUM will provide you with news and reviews of the latest books on the marketplace. //

Kim H.

191 reviews3 followers

December 31, 2015

If you are interested in a healthy diet to help optimize your wellness and promote longevity, you are going to want to run out and pick up a copy ofThe Longevity Kitchen: Satisfying Big-Flavor Recipes Featuring the Top 16 Age-Busting Power Foodsby Rebecca Katz.

The book features everything you would expect to find in a cookbook: delicious, well-written, and easy to follow recipes grouped in intuitive sections (“Life-Enhancing Soups and Broths,” “Vital Vegetables,” “Protein-Building Foods,” etc.), beautiful, full-page color photographs of scrumptious dishes, nutritional information for each recipe, notes and tips to help ensure your success, and an extensive resource directory to help those of us in less urban areas acquire some ingredients and supplies that may not be available in our area.

What is unique to Kates Longevity Kitchen is the first three chapters of the book. There Katz walks readers through a fascinating tour of the body’s various systems such as bones & muscles; the immune system; the gut, liver, and kidneys; the respiratory system; etc. She explains how each system is designed to work and the fuel needed to help it do so. In chapter two, Katz discusses how the foods we eat can play either a harmful or healing role in our bodies. She provides readers with an extensive list of nutritious, healing foods, detailing the benefits of each. I found this both fascinating and enlightening! Finally, Katz offers readers some words of wisdom in making the most of the book. I found her list of questions regarding discovering your culinary GPS thought-provoking and a bit unnerving in places which highlighted some of my poor habits!

The Longevity Kitchenwill be making a permanent home on my counter as it becomes my go-to standard in cooking for my family in the days ahead. I’d like to thankBlogging For Booksfor the review copy I received in exchange for this review.

From the Publisher. . .

A collection of 125 delicious whole-foods recipes showcasing 16 antioxidant-rich power foods, developed by wellness authority Rebecca Katz to combat and prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, arthritis, and other conditions that plague American adults, enabling readers to live longer, healthier lives.

In this collection of more than 100 recipes that combine smart nutrition and superb flavor, culinary nutrition pioneer Rebecca Katz highlights the top sixteen foods proven to fight the most common chronic conditions. Katz draws on the latest scientific research to explain how super foods such as asparagus, basil, coffee, dark chocolate, kale, olive oil, sweet potatoes, and wild salmon can build immunity, lower cholesterol, enhance memory, strengthen the heart, and reduce your chances of developing diabetes and other diseases.

This practical, flavor-packed guide presents the most effective—and delicious—ways to use food to improve the performance of every system in the body. Katz explains the health advantages of each main ingredient, and includes menu plans to address specific symptoms and detailed nutritional information for each recipe.

Easy-to-find ingredients are incorporated into a powerful arsenal of tantalizing recipes, including:
• Roasted Asparagus Salad with Arugula and Hazelnuts
• Costa Rican Black Bean Soup with Sweet Potato
• Black Cod with Miso-Ginger Glaze
• Herby Turkey Sliders
• Thyme Onion Muffins
• Yogurt Berry Brûlée with Almond Brittle

Based on the most up-to-date nutritional research, The Longevity Kitchen helps you feed your family well and live a long and vibrant life.

About the Author . . .

As the senior chef-in-residence and nutritional educator at one of the country’s leading cancer wellness centers, REBECCA KATZ, MS, is the culinary link bringing together physicians and patients with a common goal: eating well to maximize cancer treatments, minimize side effects, and improve outcomes. She is the founder of the Inner Cook, a Bay Area culinary practice that specializes in meeting the specific nutritional and appetite needs of cancer patients, and a senior chef at Commonweal Cancer Help Program in Marin County, California. Katz has been a guest chef and lecturer at top academic medical centers throughout the country, including the annual Food As Medicine conference.


626 reviews2 followers

December 14, 2015

In general, over the last few years I have been much more aware of the types of foods I am putting in my mouth, the cleaners that I use have less to no chemicals now and I have been slowly converting my rubbermaid containers to glass.

I believe that what you eat can dictate how you look and feel. The healthier I eat, the better my body feels. Simple enough. But did you also know that certain foods can help different areas of your body function better? When I read about The Longevity Kitchen, I instantly thought about Chris. He suffers from chronic back pain and inflammation. He also has to watch his blood pressure. I suffer from asthma, can have a crappy immune system at times and I have to keep my sweet tooth in check. We both have pretty bad allergies.

The Longevity Kitchen has 125 recipes using the top 16 foods proven to fight the most chronic conditions. There are menu plans that you can follow for your main concerns. I plan on incorporating these 16 power foods in our weekly rotations to see if there is going to be any improvements. I am really excited to try out some of these recipes. I have my eyes on:

Gluten-Free Blueberry Mini Muffins
Bento Box Soup
Minted Guacamole with Pomegranate Seeds
Yogurt Berry Brulee with Maple Almond Brittle
Insanely Good Chocolate Brownies (that have no added sugar and use almond flour!!!!)
There are also lots of recipes for different marinades, dressings, sauces and even directions for how to make your own almond flour!

What I really love about this book? It is more than just a cookbook. At the beginning, there are a few chapters talking about the science behind the foods we eat. It goes in to length about the main functions of our bodies and why certain foods are important. There is even a culinary pharmacy section that breaks down certain foods and tells you beneficial facts of each food. Like did you know that almonds are antioxidant, blood sugar regulators and help with heart health? Or that coconut milk/oil is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and supports bone health.

Before the recipes start, there is a break down to tell you what pages to look for what ails you. Immune boosters, stress reducers, mind enhancers, blood sugar regulators, flexibility promoters, liver boosters, heart strengtheners, skin enrichers, and LDL cholesterol reducers.

If you have a certain condition that you would like to try to treat naturally, I would check this book out! Or even if you just want to make sure you are incorporating healthy foods in to your daily diet.

Read more about the author, Rebecca Katz here.

To see more information on this book, go here.

Add this book to your Goodreads list.

Have you considered changing your diet to help with any health problems you’ve been experiencing?

**I received this book from Blogging for Books but all opinions are honest and of my own. **

Virginia Campbell

1,282 reviews331 followers

December 26, 2015

"The Longevity Kitchen: Satisfying, Big-Flavor Recipes Featuring the Top 16 Age-Busting Power Foods" is a treasure trove of healthful advice, nutritional know-how, and flavorful, feel-good food. Written by noted chef and wellness speaker Rebecca Katz with the input of award-winning writer Mat Edelson, the book also features an illuminating foreword by renowned medical doctor, teacher, and best-selling author on holistic health, Andrew Weil. In his commentary, Dr.Weil advises that "medicine was originally rooted in nature", and that his garden and his kitchen are two of his most important and relied-upon healing tools. The 16 "Super Foods" are: Asparagus; Avocado; Basil (and Mint, which is in the same family); Blueberries (and other dark berries); Coffee; Dark Chocolate; Garlic; Green Tea; Kale; Olive Oil; Pomegranates; Sweet Potatoes; Thyme; Walnuts; Wild Salmon; and Yogurt. Chances are that you already eat some of those foods--try incorporating the rest through the more than 100 recipes featured in "The Longevity Kitchen". Food that literally makes you feel good should also taste good--otherwise, you won't eat it. Here are some of the recipes that sound absolutely delicious: "Cozy Roasted Vegetable Soup"; "Chicken Tortilla Soup"; "Sicilian Green Beans"; "Lemon Chive Potatoes"; "Sweet Potato and Zucchini Pancakes"; "Brown Rice Pilaf with Saffron and Ginger"; "Layered Frittata with Leeks, Swiss Chard, and Tomatoes"; "Greek Chicken Salad"; "Thyme Onion Muffins"; "Green Tea Cooler with Ginger, Papaya, and Lime"; "Chocolate-Dipped Cherry Haystacks and Chocolate-Dipped Apricots"; "Coffee-Infused Chocolate Sorbet"; "Insanely Good Chocolate Brownies"; and "Triple-Chocolate Date Torte". The colorful cover recipe is "Carrot Apple Slaw with Cranberries". Many of the ingredients for these recipes will already be in use in your kitchen. The others can be added a few at a time to build your "super-food, super-health" pantry. Try out new cooking techniques and utensils, and have fun learning not only a new way of cooking, but also a new way of life. Optimal health through optimal eating sounds like a masterful menu plan to me!

Review Copy Gratis Ten Speed Press via Blogging for Books

    advice cookbooks health

Oswego Public Library District

904 reviews57 followers


April 29, 2014

Did you know that potatoes are good for your brain, nervous system, and thyroid? Or that by eating bell peppers you’re helping your eyes? The Longevity Kitchen presents the “Super Sixteen” – 16 foods that are the most beneficial and healthy to humans, and incorporates them in to delicious recipes. The authors, Rebecca Katz and Mat Edelson, start off each recipe with a quick, informative introduction of what nutrients and vitamins are present in the dish. The Longevity Kitchen is jam packed with important information. There are sections on healthy eating for certain body parts (like your brain!), a list of foods and their beneficial properties, and a helpful index of the recipes under what the nutrients are good at (for example, you’ll find a recipe for Avocado Lover’s Salad listed under the Skin Enrichers category). The best part? These recipes are definitely doable. -JM

Place a hold on The Longevity Kitchen.


Diane Estrella

327 reviews102 followers

December 1, 2015

Food to live longer by…?

Most of the ingredients used in the recipes included are things I commonly have or that can be easily found at the store. A few items are newbies to me such as: Nori, soba noodles, and miso. Other ingredients are things I’ve heard of but have never been brave enough to try: Swiss chard, quinoa, and edamame. I find that I am more daring in my old age and am eager to try new tastes and be more adventurous in the kitchen. The pictures are lovely and can make any mouth water. I am inspired to go where I’ve never gone before…. To add big flavors and seasonings for big taste. Knowing that these recipes are health-minded to bring the most nutrition and making right choices to possibly prolong my life is definitely worth it.

This book has inspired me to begin growing an herb garden in my kitchen. I would love to be able to use organic goodness in the recipes I am going to try. Two of the common ones used in this book are cilantro and mint, so I am thrilled to have these yummy aromas wafting through my kitchen.

I received a free copy of this book from Blogging for Books, for my honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.


525 reviews109 followers

October 4, 2013

I'll admit to having only made one recipe from this book, and it turned out quite well. There is a lot to commend here.

However, let's get one thing straight. If you think using the recipes in this book will "cure" whatever ails you as you age, take your head off, look at it, and say "I am your body. I am aging and you can't stop it. Thank you for feeding me well. But a cookbook and food alone won't cure me." Then, put your head back on, fill your pantry with some of the ingredients she suggests, and start cooking. I think it's quite possible you will at least feel healthier. Perhaps, you'll live longer.

If you already shop food coops, you will likely be familiar with and use most of the ingredients she focuses on. This is a huge plus for a cookbook. As are clear instructions, interesting notes, and sensible expectations of the intended reading audience.



400 reviews12 followers

December 8, 2013

I don't know what I enjoy more-- my family's reaction to her 5-star recipes, the brilliant information I acquire in the reading, the truly gorgeous photographs, or the warm humor so typical of this remarkable chef / educator. It could be the feeling that she's right in the kitchen with me, sharing her healthy, top secret delights. I mean, there are even healthy brownies! My new go-to entertaining menu: Layered Frittata with Leeks, Swiss Chard & Tomatoes; any of her greens or salads, depending upon the season and my mood; Golden Roasted Cauliflower; and, for a crowning glory type desert, Roasted Strawberries with Pomegranate Molasses (which I serve over coconut milk ice cream with a touch of high quality dark chocolate sauce). OMG! Easy enough that I have fun with my guests rather than fussing with food details, and my guests think they've landed in heaven. The epitome of yum.

    food health


499 reviews245 followers

December 8, 2015

The recipes in this book feature superfoods as main ingredients. Some of the superfood are: asparagus,basil,coffee,dark chocolate,kale,olive oil, sweet potatoes, and wild salmon. I enjoyed this book because it laid the recipes out for the reader to find in the table of contents. However this book does take up a LOT of space on the aspects of healthy living, cooking, and superfoods. I personally prefer it when a cookbook is just a cookbook. Not a textbook or a teaching manual as well. However if you can wade through the recipes really are great.

Full Review:

I was sent this book for free for only my honest and unbiased review.


479 reviews3 followers

September 4, 2016

The photos are lovely, but there are not enough of them. I like the author's style of writing and the book is well laid out. It has more content than recipes, and I found the data interesting even though I knew most of it already. The recipes are time consuming and use a lot of expensive ingredients that I don't stock in my pantry, so I only tried 3. She uses a lot of herbs and spices that I don't have either, so that turned me off from many of the recipes. Back to the library it goes ....

Shari Henry

209 reviews3 followers

May 2, 2013

Based on the 16 Super Foods that have been proven to promote health and prolong aging, this book delivers on its promise to deliver "big-flavor recipes." Good food is very important to me; eating should be pleasurable. Admittedly, I am often willing to trade healthy choices for flavor, for deriving satisfaction from my eating experience. I am likely not to bake many of the sweets, but I will try the roasted asparagus and arugula salad, the chicken tortilla soup, the slaws and salsas, and much more. This is one book that will improve your culinary repertoire and your health at the same time.

Jenny Hall

7 reviews

March 7, 2014

This is a great cookbook. There is an inspiring introduction, giving eye-opening information about the health benefits of many foods, herbs and spices. The philosophy of the cookbook is to provide healthy recipes that are also delicious. The author succeeds unequivocally! All of the recipes that I've tried (and I've tried many) have been delicious!! And there is the additional benefit of knowing that they're very healthy too!


19 reviews1 follower

June 24, 2013

I was looking for vegetable recipes that didn't use butter and still taste exceptional. This cookbook gave me what I wanted. It is well written/easy to follow and the veggies turn out really tasty in my opinion. Some of the ingredients can be found only in certain stores (like Whole Foods or the health food section at Kroger).


Author40 books1,359 followers

August 17, 2013

A worthy follow-up to Katz's Cancer-Fighting Kitchen cookbook. The recipes can be a little bit complex at times, but the end results are amazing (plus, once you've made one of the recipes a couple of times it's much easier -- it's mostly a matter of making sure you have the right herbs and spices on hand). Making healthy, healing food taste this good in my own kitchen is a joy.



2,354 reviews10 followers

February 28, 2016

The one recipe I tried was a disaster under "Elixirs." It was a green smoothie that was predominantly parsley and you couldn't even drink it, and I made a valiant effort. I did copy out the information on longevity foods and their properties, and I did copy a few more recipes to try. I think it will boil down to my using those foods with recipes I prefer.



2 reviews1 follower

March 29, 2015

This book is loaded with information regarding nutrition and eating for health. I loved it. I appreciate the links to the various studies backing up the information she uses. Very informative and easy to understand.

Kim Veach

760 reviews10 followers

May 26, 2015

Lots of good information - though I didn't read all of it. Many delicious looking recipes though most had many ingredients (primarily lots of herbs and spices but it still made the list look scary long).

    cookbook health non-fiction

Christine (Tina)

645 reviews

February 6, 2017

Again, another work of non-fiction with recipes smattered in it. Pair this with Cameron Diaz's "Longevity Book" for the 1-2 punch needed to retrain one's mindset. This one will be a for-home-purchase because these are forever recipes for a healthy long life.

    2017-challenge food-glorious-food golden-years


840 reviews48 followers

March 30, 2013

Love this idea, and if the recipes are good, it's a keeper!

    cookbook healthy-eating
The Longevity Kitchen: Satisfying, Big-Flavor Recipes F… (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.