PCB Editor & PCB Footprint Editor Shortcuts (2024)

The following sections present shortcut keys that are specific to the PCB and/or the PCB Footprint Editors. For general information regarding shortcut keys -including access and editing, general Altium environment shortcuts, and accelerator keys - see Altium Designer Shortcut Keys.

The following shortcuts are standard to the PCB and/or PCB Footprint Editors. They are available in general and do not require you to be performing an interactive process to access them.

General Editing

Double-ClickModify the properties of the object currently under the cursor.Right-ClickAccess context menu for the design space or object currently under the cursor. If currently within an interactive command, will escape from the current operation.Ctrl+CCopy selectionCtrl+XCut selectionCtrl+VPaste selectionAlt+InsertPaste objects onto the current layer regardless of their original layer assignments.Ctrl+RCopy selected object(s) and paste repeatedly where needed in the design space (rubber stamping).DeleteDelete selectionCtrl+ZUndoCtrl+YRedo


Shift+FAccess the Find Similar Objects feature (click on an object to use as the base template).ClickSelect/deselect the object currently under the cursor.Shift+ClickChange the selection status of the object currently under the cursor without affecting the status of other objects.Tab

With an initial object selected in the design, extend the selection to include the next higher-level object (or objects), based on logical hierarchy.In addition, the feature caters for selection extension across multiple objectsselected across different nets in the design.


Single select the next design object in a set of co-located (overlapping) objectswithout utilizing a selection pop-up window.To use this command, ensure that the Display popup selection dialogoption is disabledon the PCB Editor - General page of the Preferences dialog.

Shift+Ctrl+XToggle Cross Select Mode On or Off.Shift+Ctrl+YToggle the Cross Select Mode's Reposition selected component in PCB option On or Off.Ctrl+ASelect all objects on the current document.Ctrl+BSelect all objects that reside within the boundary of the defined board shape.Ctrl+HSelect all electrical objects that are connected to the same piece of copper.Alt+ClickOn a connection to select that connection.Alt+Shift+ClickOn a connection to select that connection in addition to the connections already selected (cumulative connection selection).Click (away from objects), Hold&Drag (left-to-right)Select all objects that fall completely within the bounds of the selection area.Click (away from objects), Hold&Drag (right-to-left)Select all objects that fall completely inside the selection area or are touched by its boundary.Ctrl+Hold&Drag (left-to-right)Select all component pads that fall completely within the bounds of the selection area.Ctrl+Hold&Drag (right-to-left)Select all component pads that fall completely inside the selection area or are touched by its boundary.Alt+Click&Drag (from right-to-left)To select all connections touched by the dragged rectangle.Ctrl+n (n = 1 to 8)Store the current selection in memory location n.Alt+n (n = 1 to 8)Recall the selection from memory location n.Shift+n (n = 1 to 8)Add the current selection to the selection already stored in memory location n.Alt+Shift+n (n = 1 to 8)Recall selection from memory location nand add it to the current selection in the design space.Shift+Ctrl+n (n = 1 to 8)Apply filtering based on the selection set in memory location n.


Click (on an object), Hold&Drag
  • Move the single object currently under the cursor (or group of selected objects if the object is part of that selection).
  • On a via in a stack of vias, use to move the entire stack to a new location.
Ctrl+Click, Hold&DragOn a via in a stack of vias, use to move just that via to a new location (and not the entire stack).Left ArrowMove the cursor to the left (fora Cartesian Grid) or inward (fora Polar Grid) in the current document design space in increments of one snap grid unit.Shift+Left ArrowMove the cursor to the left (fora Cartesian Grid) or inward (fora Polar Grid) in the current document design space in increments of 10 snap grid units.Right ArrowMove the cursor to the right (fora Cartesian Grid) or outward (fora Polar Grid) in the current document design space in increments of one snap grid unit.Shift+Right ArrowMove the cursor to the right (fora Cartesian Grid) or outward (fora Polar Grid) in the current document design space, in increments of 10 snap grid units.Up ArrowMove the cursor upwards (fora Cartesian Grid) or counterclockwise (fora Polar Grid) in the current document design space, in increments of one snap grid unit.Shift+Up ArrowMove the cursor upwards (fora Cartesian Grid) or counterclockwise (fora Polar Grid) in the current document design space, in increments of 10 snap grid units.Down ArrowMove the cursor downwards (fora Cartesian Grid) or clockwise (fora Polar Grid) in the current document design space, in increments of one snap grid unit.Shift+Down ArrowMove the cursor downwards (fora Cartesian Grid) or clockwise (fora Polar Grid) in the current document design space, in increments of 10 snap grid units.Ctrl+Left ArrowMove the current selection (one or more selected design objects) to the left in the current document design space in increments of one snap grid unit.Shift+Ctrl+Left ArrowMove the current selection (one or more selected design objects) to the left in the current document design space, in increments of 10 snap grid units.Ctrl+Right ArrowMove the current selection (one or more selected design objects) to the right in the current document design space, in increments of one snap grid unit.Shift+Ctrl+Right ArrowMove the current selection (one or more selected design objects) to the right in the current document design space, in increments of 10 snap grid units.Ctrl+Up ArrowMove the current selection (one or more selected design objects) upwards in the current document design space, in increments of one snap grid unit.Shift+Ctrl+Up ArrowMove the current selection (one or more selected design objects) upwards in the current document design space, in increments of 10 snap grid units.Ctrl+Down ArrowMove the current selection (one or more selected design objects) downwards in the current document design space, in increments of one snap grid unit.Shift+Ctrl+Down ArrowMove the current selection (one or more selected design objects) downwards in the current document design space, in increments of 10 snap grid units.


Shift+Ctrl+LAlign selected objects by their left edges.Shift+Ctrl+RAlign selected objects by their right edges.Alt+Shift+LAlign selected design objects by their left edges while maintaining adequate spacing in observance with applicable design rules.Alt+Shift+RAlign selected design objects by their right edges while maintaining adequate spacing in observance with applicable design rules.Shift+Ctrl+HMake the horizontal spacing of selected objects equal.Shift+Ctrl+TAlign selected objects by their top edges.Shift+Ctrl+BAlign selected objects by their bottom edges.Shift+Alt+IAlign selected design objects by their top edges while maintaining adequate spacing in observance with applicable design rules.Shift+Alt+NAlign selected design objects by their bottom edges while maintaining adequate spacing in observance with applicable design rules.Shift+Ctrl+VMake the vertical spacing of selected objects equal.Shift+Ctrl+DMove selected components to the nearest point on the required component placement grid.

Viewing the Board

1Switch the display of the PCB design space to Board Planning Mode.2Switch the display of the PCB design space to 2D Layout Mode.3Switch the display of the PCB design space to 3D Layout Mode.Ctrl+Alt+2Switch the display of the PCB design space to 2D Layout Modeandsee the same location and orientation of the board as you switch.Ctrl+Alt+3Switch the display of the PCB design space to 3D Layout Modeand see the same location and orientation of the board as you switch.Shift+S

Cycle through the available single layer viewing modes.The available modes are determined by enabling the corresponding options in the Available Single Layer Modes regionon the PCB Editor - Board Insight Display page of the Preferences dialog.

Ctrl+FFlip the active board, or active component, just as if you were turning it over in your hand. Use the shortcut again to flip the board/component back again.Ctrl+PgDnDisplay all design objects on the current document.PgUpZoom-in, relative to the current cursor location.

You can also use the mouse to zoom in to a region of the document by one of the following methods (where applicable and depending on how the buttons of your mouse might be assigned):

  • Hold the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel upward. Use of the Ctrl key is a default setting that can be changed from the System - Mouse Wheel Configuration page of the Preferences dialog.
  • Hold both the Ctrl key and the right mouse button, then move the mouse forward.
  • Hold the right (first) and left (second) mouse buttons, then move the mouse forward.
  • Click and hold the mouse wheel, then move the mouse forward.
PgDnZoom-out, relative to the current cursor location.

You can use the mouse to zoom out from a region of the document by one of the following methods (where applicable and depending on how the buttons of your mouse might be assigned):

  • Hold the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel downward. Use of the Ctrl key is a default setting that can be changed from the System - Mouse Wheel Configuration page of the Preferences dialog.
  • Hold both the Ctrl key and the right-mouse button, then move the mouse backward.
  • Hold the right (first) and left (second) mouse buttons, then move the mouse backward.
  • Click and hold the mouse wheel, then move the mouse backward.
Shift+PgUpZoom-in, relative to the current cursor location and in progressively smaller steps.Shift+PgDnZoom-out, relative to the current cursor location and in progressively larger steps.Ctrl+PgUpSet the magnification of the current document to 400%.Mouse WheelScroll vertically within the design space. This is a default setting that can be changed from the System - Mouse Wheel Configuration page of the Preferences dialog.Shift+Mouse WheelScroll horizontally within the design space. This is a default setting that can be changed from the System - Mouse Wheel Configuration page of the Preferences dialog.HomeRedraw the view in the main design window, placing the location marked by the cursor - prior to launching the command - at the center of the window.EndRefresh the screen, in effect performing a redraw of the current document, to remove any undesirable drawing update effects.Alt+EndRedraw the current layer of the current document, to remove any undesirable drawing update effects.Alt+F5Toggle the display of the current document's editor between maximized and not maximized.F5Visually toggle the Net Color Override feature on or off.Shift+ZToggle the 3D model visibility in the current PCB document.LAccess the Layers And Colors tab of the View Configuration panel in which you can configure the display of layers for the board and the colors assigned to those layers.Ctrl+DAccess the View Options tab of theView Configuration panel in which you can configure the mode used to display each of the various design items within the design space.Right-Click, Hold&DragDisplay the slider (panning) hand cursor then drag to move your view of the design space.

Board Insight Display

Shift+HToggle the Heads Up Display on or off.Shift+GToggle Heads Up Display tracking on or off.InsertResets the Delta Origin point for the Heads Up Display feature to 0,0.Shift+DToggle the display of the Delta coordinates within the Heads Up Display.Shift+VAccess the Board Insight pop-up, listing all violations (of defined Design Rules) currently under the cursor.Shift+XAccess the Board Insight pop-up, listing all components and/or net objects currently under the cursor.Ctrl+Mouse Wheel ClickAccess the Board Insight pop-up, listing all violations (of defined Design Rules) and all components and/or net objects currently under the cursor.This is a default setting that can be changed from the System - Mouse Wheel Configuration page of the Preferences dialog.


Shift+ECycle to the next mode of object Hotspot Snapping.Ctrl+EAccess a pop-up window in which to define which objects to be used for snapping purposes. The choices made are reflected back in the Snap Options region of the Properties panel (on the General tab when viewing options for a PCB document).Ctrl+GAccess the dedicated grid editor dialog for the snap grid currently under the cursor.Shift+Ctrl+GSet the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) step values - for the default Global Board Snap Grid - simultaneously to a chosen value.Ctrl+ShiftTemporarily disables the grid.Shift+HToggle on/off whether the cursor on a grid will snap to the active grid. Once enabled, the cursor will pull or snap to the nearest snap group location.


  • On a net object to highlight the entire routed net.
  • On a layer tab to highlight all content on that layer.
  • In free space to clear current highlighting.
  • On a net object to highlight the entire routed netin addition to the routed nets already highlighted (cumulative routed net highlighting).
  • On a layer tab to highlight all content on that layerin addition to the content already highlighted on other layers (cumulative layer highlighting).
Alt+CtrlWhile hovering the cursor over a layer tab to highlight the content of that layer only.]Increase the masking level, which decreases the extent of dimming in the design space for all objects not falling under the scope of the currently applied filter.Note that this shortcut is only effective when the highlighting method for objects not passing the applied filteris set to Dim. Unlike the Mask highlighting method, such objects can still be selected and edited.[Decrease the masking level, which increases the extent of dimming in the design space for all objects not falling under the scope of the currently applied filter.Note that this shortcut is only effective when the highlighting method for objects not passing the applied filteris set to Dim. Unlike the Mask highlighting method, such objects can still be selected and edited.Shift+CClear the filter that is currently being applied to the active document.

Quick Panel Access

F11Toggle the display of the Properties panel.F12Toggle the display of the PCB Filter panelor the PCBLIB Filter panel accordingly.Shift+F12Toggle the display of the List panel (PCB List or PCBLIB List panel) accordingly.

Layer Switching

+ (on numeric keypad)Switch to the next enabled layer.- (on numeric keypad)Switch to the previous enabled layer.* (on numeric keypad)Switch to the next enabled signal layer.Shift+* (on numeric keypad)Switch to the previous enabled signal layer.Shift+Ctrl+Mouse WheelCycle through the enabled layers.As you roll the mouse wheel upward/downward, the next/previous enabled layer (at the bottom of the main design window) will become the active layer. This is a default setting that can be changed from the System - Mouse Wheel Configuration page of the Preferences dialog.

Routing/Track Modification

Shift+ARoute selected connections using the ActiveRoute Guided Interactive Router.Ctrl+WStart routing using the Interactive Router.Shift+Ctrl+Click&HoldCreate a vertex (or break) in a track segment at the current cursor position.Backspace

Delete a single, selected end-of-route object (component-free track, arc, via, or pad). The singular routing object connected to the deleted object will be automatically selected and ready for subsequent deletion.By using the command repeatedly, you are able to incrementally unwind the routed pathin the same way as using the Backspace shortcut while interactively routing.


Delete one or more selected routing objects (component-free tracks, arcs, vias, and pads) on the current document. All routing objects connected to those deleted will be automatically selected and ready for subsequent deletion.By using the command repeatedly, you are able to incrementally unwind the routed path in both directions.

Ctrl+Alt+GUse Glossing to improve the quality of the selected routesby reducing the overall length and number of corners.


Alt+Ctrl+CAdd a new comment thread to a point, object, or area onthe active PCB document. Before you can start using the comment feature, ensure that you have opened (checked out) a Managed Project and are working on its PCB document.


Ctrl+HomeMove the cursor to the absolute origin at the lower-left corner of the design space.Ctrl+EndMove the cursor to the relative origin of the current document (PCB document), or the location of the component reference point (PCB Footprint document).Ctrl+Q
  • In the main design spaceto access the Selection Memory dialog, from where you can control all aspects of the selection memory feature.
  • In a dialog or panel to toggle the measurement units (in the dialog or panel only), between metric (mm) and imperial (mil).
Alt+Left Arrow

Jump to, and make active, the previous component in the current library document. Note that after reaching the first component in the list, the command will not cycle to the last component again.

Alt+Right Arrow

Jump to, and make active, the next component in the current library document. Note that after reaching the last component in the list, the command will not cycle to the first component again.

QToggle the measurement units for the current document between metric (mm) and imperial (mil).Ctrl+MMeasure and display the distance between any two points in the current document. PCB Editor & PCB Footprint Editor Shortcuts (1), ClickCross-probe from a chosen object on the current PCB document to its corresponding counterpart on the relevant schematic source document while remaining in the PCB document (Continuous Mode) PCB Editor & PCB Footprint Editor Shortcuts (2) , Ctrl+ClickCross-probe from a chosen object on the current PCB document to its corresponding counterpart on the relevant schematic document, making the target schematic document the active document (Jump To Mode).

The following shortcuts become available when an interactive process has been launched, such as placing a new design object, or moving an existing one.Note that the shortcuts available will depend on the interactive commandand the specific design object that is the focus of that command.

The following additional shortcuts become available when routing connections using one of the interactive routing tools - Interactive Routing, Interactive Differential Pair Routingand Interactive Multi-routing.Note that the shortcuts available will depend on the interactive routing tool being used.

TabAccess the Interactive Routing mode /Differential Pair Routing mode/ Multi-routing mode of the Properties panel in which you can change routing preferences on-the-fly, as well as modify properties of the track being placed.EscTerminates the current route. Any routing that has been committed before calling the termination is retained.Click or EnterCommits the routing up to the current cursor position and places the tracks.BackspaceUnwinds the last committed route back to its starting point. If any objects had been pushed through placing the last segment, they are moved back to their original positions.Ctrl+ClickAuto-complete segments to target.1Toggle Look-Ahead placement mode on/off.SpacebarToggle between corner direction sub-modes (for the relevant corner modes).Shift+Spacebar

Cycle through the five available corner modes (45 degree, 45 degree with arc, 90 degree, 90 degree with arc, and Any Angle). Note that Any Angle is not available when using the Interactive Differential Pair Router or the Interactive Multi-router.

,Reduce the radius of the arc (by 1mil/0.025mm increments) when in arc cornering placement mode.Shift+,Reduce the radius of the arc (by 10mil/0.254mm increments) when in arc cornering placement mode..Increase the radius of the arc (by 1mil/0.025mm increments) when in arc cornering placement mode.Shift+.Increase the radius of the arc (by 10mil/0.254mm increments) when in arc cornering placement mode.Shift+RCycle through the currently enabled routing conflict resolution modes. The modes available (including Ignore Obstacles, Push Obstacles, Walkaround Obstacles, Stop at First Obstacle, Hug and Push Obstacles, AutoRoute On Current Layer, AutoRoute On Multiple Layers) can be defined on the PCB Editor - Interactive Routing page of the Preferences dialogand modified on-the-fly (press Tab to access the Interactive Routing mode/ Differential Pair Routing mode/ Multi-routing mode of the Properties panel). Note that when interactively routing differential pairs or multiple traces, the AutoRoute On Current Layer and AutoRoute On Multiple Layers modes are not available.Shift+DToggle automatic loop removal feature on/off.Ctrl+WToggle the display of clearance boundaries.Shift+FToggle Follow mode.Shift+WChoose the required track width from available predefined favorite routing widths in the Track mode of the Properties panel.Shift+VChoose the required via size from available predefined via sizes, sourced from one or more associated via templates using the Choose Via Sizes dialog.3

Cycle through routing width sources (User Choice --> Rule Minimum --> Rule Preferred --> Rule Maximum).With User Choice, routing widths are defined and managed in the Favorite Interactive Routing Widths dialog. When interactively routing differential pairs, the rule-based values come from the applicable Differential Pairs Routing rule.


Cycle through via size sources (User Choice --> Rule Minimum --> Rule Preferred --> Rule Maximum).With User Choice, via sizes are defined through via templates - locally to the active PCB documentor through associated Pad Via libraries (*.PvLib).

+or * (on numeric keypad)Switch to the next enabled (and rule-permitted) signal layer, dropping a via.- (on numeric keypad)Switch to the previous enabled (and rule-permitted) signal layer, dropping a via.Shift+Ctrl+Mouse WheelCycle through the enabled signal layers, dropping a via.As you roll the mouse wheel upward/downward, the next/previous enabled signal layer (at the bottom of the main design window) will become the active layer and a via will be dropped. This is a default setting that can be changed from the System - Mouse Wheel Configuration page of the Preferences dialog.1-9 (on numeric keypad)Switch to routing on the corresponding routing (signal) layer (dropping a via to do so). The number can be obtained from the prefix to the layer name ([n]), on the layer tab at the bottom of the main workspace. Alternatively, the number can be acquired from the pop-up window accessed through the Ctrl+L shortcut.Ctrl+LAccess a pop-up window of available routing layers. Click an entry to switch to that layer (dropping a via to do so). The number to the right of each entry ([n]) can be used to switch to that layer directly, without popping this window.L

When routing from a multi-layer pad or via, switches the layer for the current connection to the next signal layer defined for that pad/via.Note that this feature works only when the routing is started from the pad/viaand before the first segment is committed.

/Add fanout via; tool immediately waits for next fanout to route and via to place.2Add a via without changing layer.5When interactively routing a differential pair or multiple traces, use to cycle through available via patterns (aligned or staggered) during a layer change.6Cycle through the possible Via Type options when performing a layer change and there is more than one Via Type available.Shift+6When interactively routing a differential pair, use to cycle through the Gap values defined in the applicable Differential Pairs Routing rule (Min Gap --> Preferred Gap --> Max Gap).Shift+B
  • When interactively routing a differential pair, use to cycle through the Width-Gap value pairings defined in the applicable Differential Pairs Routing rule (Min Width-Min Gap --> Preferred Width-Preferred Gap --> Max Width-Max Gap).
  • When routing multiple traces, use to increase the spacing between neighboring routes.
BWhen routing multiple traces, use to decrease the spacing between neighboring routes.CWhen routing multiple traces, change the spacing between neighboring routes to use the Track-Track clearance value defined in the applicable Clearance rule.8Display a pop-up listing of possible Via Type options when performing a layer change and there is more than one Via Type available.7Cycles through the connections available for routing if the current pad has multiple connections.9Switches the cursor position from the currently selected pad or track to the target pad or track. If the location of the object being switched to is not within the current design window, the view jumps and centers around the new cursor position.Shift+GToggle display of the length tuning gauge, which indicates how well the current route is meeting applicable Length and Matched Length design rules.Shift+Ctrl+GCycle through the Gloss Effort (Routed) settings - Off, Weak and Strong. For more information, see Glossing - Smoothing the Routes.Ctrl+ShiftHold totemporarily inhibit automatic glossing.Shift+C

Enable subnet swapping. Note that if no swappable target subnets are available, a message to this effect will be presented in the Messages panel.

Shift+TSwap target subnet - cycles through all swappable target subnets.

The following additional shortcuts become available when rearranging existing routes, by interactively sliding (or dragging) a route across the board. For more information, see Interactive Sliding Support.

The following additional shortcuts relate to the placement of, and editing thereafter, ofadditional track 'patterns' when tuning thelength of routed track(s)using one of the interactive length tuning tools - Interactive Length Tuning orInteractive DiffPair Length Tuning.Note that the shortcuts available will depend on the interactive length tuning tool being used, or the placed pattern type being edited.

The following additional shortcuts become available when interactively dragging/moving one or more placed components - all part of the PCB Editor'srouting-aware move component feature.

The following additional shortcuts collectively relate to working with 3D Bodies, or the 3D view of your PCB (or component model).

3D Body Placement

(Availabilitydepends on the type of 3D Model being placed or moved - Generic 3D Model, Extruded, Cylinder, orSphere)

8 (on numeric keypad)

Rotate the 3D body object being placed/moved counterclockwise around the model's X-axis by 90°. Note that this shortcut applies to Generic 3D Model and Cylinder model types only.

2 (on numeric keypad)

Rotate the 3D body object being placed/moved clockwise around the model's X-axis by 90°. Note that this shortcut applies to Generic 3D Model and Cylinder model types only.

4 (on numeric keypad)

Rotate the 3D body object being placed/moved counterclockwise around the model's Y-axis by 90°.Note that this shortcut applies to Generic 3D Model and Cylinder model types only.

6 (on numeric keypad)

Rotate the 3D body object being placed/moved clockwise around the model's Y-axis by 90°.Note that this shortcut applies to Generic 3D Model and Cylinder model types only.


Rotate the 3D body object being placed/moved counterclockwise around the model's Z-axis by 90°.Note that this shortcut only applies to the Extruded model type when it is being moved.


Rotate the 3D body object being placed/moved clockwise around the model's Z-axis by 90°.Note that this shortcut only applies to the Extruded model type when it is being moved.

9 (on numeric keypad)

Increase the Standoff Height for the 3D body object being placed/moved by one Snap Grid unit.Note that this shortcut only applies to the Extruded model type when it is being moved.

3 (on numeric keypad)

Decrease the Standoff Height for the 3D body object being placed/moved by one Snap Grid unit.Note that this shortcut only applies to the Extruded model type when it is being moved.


0 (or 1 on numeric keypad)

Change the view of the board (or component)so that you are looking straight down from above (perpendicular)with zero rotation.

9 (or 9 on numeric keypad)

Change the view of the board (or component)so that you are looking straight down from above (perpendicular)with 90 Degree (clockwise) rotation in the X-plane.

8 (or 0 on numeric keypad)

Change the view of the board (or component) inso that you are looking at the board from an orthogonal perspective.

5 (or 5 on numeric keypad)Toggle a board that has flexible areas between its flattened state (no Bending Line settings applied) and its folded state (all Bending Line settings applied)Hold ShiftAccess the 3D rotational sphere. With the sphere displayed, move the mouse around to highlight and select the required control on the sphere before right-clicking:
  • Right-drag sphere when the Center Dot is highlighted – rotate in any direction.
  • Right-drag sphere when the Horizontal Arrow is highlighted – rotate the view about the Y-axis.
  • Right-drag sphere when the Vertical Arrow is highlighted – rotate the view about the X-axis.
  • Right-drag sphere when the Circle Segment is highlighted – rotate the view about the Z-plane.
Ctrl+CCopies the current view in the main design space to the clipboard in bitmap format (*.bmp). You have control over the resolution of the copied image via the 3D Snapshot Resolution dialog.Ctrl+1 (on numeric keypad)Change the view of the board (or component) so that you are looking at the board from the bottom side.7 (on numeric keypad)Change the view of the board (or component) so that you are looking at the board from the front side.Ctrl+7 (on numeric keypad)Change the view of the board (or component) so that you are looking at the board from the back side.3 (on numeric keypad)Change the view of the board (or component) so that you are looking at the board from the left edge.Ctrl+3 (on numeric keypad)Change the view of the board (or component) so that you are looking at the board from the right edge.4 (on numeric keypad)Rotate the view of the board (or component) 30 degrees left.6 (on numeric keypad)Rotate the view of the board (or component) 30 degrees right.8 (on numeric keypad)Rotate the view of the board (or component) 30 degrees up.2 (on numeric keypad)Rotate the view of the board (or component) 30 degrees down.Ctrl+4 (on numeric keypad)Move the view of the board (or component) left.Ctrl+6 (on numeric keypad)Move the view of the board (or component) right.Ctrl+8 (on numeric keypad)Move the view of the board (or component) up.Ctrl+2 (on numeric keypad)Move the view of the board (or component) down.LAccess the View Configuration panel in which you can configure how the board is rendered in 3D.


(Available when viewing the board in 3D in the PCB Editorand taking measurements using the Reports » Measure 3D Objects command)


Toggle measurement units between metric and imperial - the displayed measurement values will update accordingly.

Hold Ctrl key down

As you move the cursor over a 3D object, use to select a specific face of that object.


Clear all currently displayed measurements in the 3D workspace.

The following shortcuts give access to specific pop-up menus of commands,directly from within the design space itself. Some of these will be familiar as they are sub-menus found within the main menus for the editor. Each of the main menus also have a defined pop-up key for quick access from within the design space,see Accelerator Keys for more information.

PCB Editor & PCB Footprint Editor Shortcuts (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.