Nepal -- Simple Vegetarian Thali (Recipes) (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Pavani · 20 Comments

This Vegetarian Nepali thali is hearty, comforting and absolutely delicious. Simple everyday dishes - Dal, Tarkari, Saag, Achar served with rice & yogurt.

Nepal -- Simple Vegetarian Thali (Recipes) (1)

Nepal is a landlocked country in Southeast Asia. It borders China in the north and India in the south, east and west. Much of Nepalese dishes are made in India too, especially in the North eastern Indian states. Even though Nepali food is not as famous as it's neighboring countries, it has many distinctive qualities. There are quite a few different cuisines in Nepal:

  • Newar - from Kathmandu is one of the most richest and most influential in Nepal.
  • Thakali - combination of Tibetan and Indian cuisines, especially in the use of herbs and spices.

What is a Thali?

Thali literally translates to a large 'Plate' in Hindi. So, when you see 'Thali' on menus in Indian restaurants, you will be served a big plate with Indian dishes. Typically, it consists of rice, roti, dal, veggie side dishes, chutney and dessert.

The dishes served usually vary from region to region. So a North Indian thali will be very different from that of a South Indian one.

Nepal -- Simple Vegetarian Thali (Recipes) (2)

Dishes in Nepali Thali:

This is a everyday Nepali thali with very simple dishes. It is a filling, comforting and hearty plate of food. It has protein, vegetables served with rice and yogurt.

  • Dal Bhat - lentils served with plain steamed rice is the national dish of Nepal.
  • Tarkari - simple mixed vegetable curry made with green beans and carrot.
  • Saag - curried spinach that takes just minutes to make.
  • Tomato Achar - smoky and spicy chutney made with roasted tomatoes and chilies.

I usually plan to make thali on the weekend. So I have enough time to make all the dishes and also the whole family gets to enjoy the food.

Nepal -- Simple Vegetarian Thali (Recipes) (3)

More Thali

  • Ayurvedic Thali Meal
  • Vegetable Biryani Recipe | Hyderabadi Veg Thali
  • Simple South Indian Vegetarian Thali -- Fresh Cucumber Salad Recipe
  • Turkey -- Turkish Vegetarian Meal (Recipes)

Reader Interactions


  1. Srivalli

    Wow the entire thali looks so inviting..the fact that it resembles our Indian thali is even more wanting me to try it right away.


  2. Priya Suresh

    A comforting meal, i can finish that whole plate without any fuss for my lunch.. So delicious recipes.


  3. Usha Rao

    That is a nice spread of Nepali food. Everything looks delicious and it looks like Indian food.


  4. Varadas Kitchen

    Beautiful platter with lovely dishes! Simple wholesome menu. Love it.


  5. The Pumpkin Farm

    nice and simple platter....nice choice of dishes to make the platter...even i wanted to do the tomato achaar but have done something similar for something later 🙂


  6. vaishali sabnani

    Hey we have a similar minded minds:)) wonderful meal .


  7. Veena Theagarajan

    hi very interesting and balanced meal


  8. Manjula Bharath

    wow fantastic veg thali from nepal 🙂 I thought doing a thali for nepal but will post it after mega Bm 🙂 such an comforting tarkari and dal bhat 🙂 Tomato achar is mouthwatering .. fantastic thali !!


  9. Harini-Jaya Rupanagudi

    Sounds very much like an Indian Thali..Lovely pictures too.


  10. Suma Gandlur

    Simple and homely food. Love the platter.


  11. Global Tastes & Travels Inc.

    what a beautiful looking platter


  12. Global Tastes & Travels Inc.

    what a beautiful looking platter


  13. Archana Potdar

    Wow with two small kids how do get time to make such delicious platters and style and click them?


  14. Priya Srinivasan

    Another Nepali Thali, Awesome, where do you find time with a toddler at home!!! Kudos!!!


  15. PJ

    Hearty and filling dishes in the the Thali.Good one Pavani...


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Nepal -- Simple Vegetarian Thali (Recipes) (2024)


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