Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (2024)

Sky's the limit when it comes to designing houses and bases in Minecraft. With every new update, the materials and blocks are introduced into the game, which allows players to unleash their imagination and get creative. Moreover, whether one prefers survival or creative mode, building is simply an essential part of Minecraft.


Occasionally, the abundance of blocks, designs, and ideas can get overwhelming. Or, maybe the constant creation of traditional houses starts to feel tedious. In that case, the modern home is a great alternative. For players not sure where to start, take a look at these gorgeous modern Minecraft builds.

Updated on December 7, 2021, by Anastasia Maillot: The Caves and Cliffs Update Part 2 is finally out and lets Minecraft fans explore new massive caves, along with a few additional new decorative blocks. All in all, it's a great time to get back into the game and start building again.

Those who choose the modern path for their houses have a lot of inspiration to choose from, and these additional new modern builds for Minecraft should give players an idea of where to start when planning their new home.

14 Home With Modern Fence

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (1)

Fences are usually associated with more traditional builds and houses. However, modern Minecraft builds can be really elevated with certain types of fences, either by using glass or quartz slabs and blocks. This modern Minecraft house isn't huge, but it has a nice large outdoorsy area lined with a fence that makes it interesting.

DangerDiamond_ who's behind this build also spent a lot of time perfecting the interior decor of the house, which looks stunning. Items and blocks are used in a truly creative way to achieve a pretty believable modern home. And of course, the fence looks amazing.

13 The Realistic Modern Mansion

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This build was created by ackers5861, and it's clear they spent a lot of time working on it. The mansion itself must have taken quite a while to build, but what really makes the house look great are its beautiful surroundings. Never underestimate the power of landscaping.

There's so much detail to this build that it would be better to actually experience it in-game to really take it all in. The interior is also incredible and should give players some ideas on how to use blocks in a surprising yet effective way to create makeshift furniture and decoration.

12 Mountain Mansion With A Pool

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (3)

Since mountains have been upgraded significantly in the recent 1.18 update, why not build up in these beautiful new mountains? It was a classic choice in the past for many Minecraft builders, but now, the environment to build in is even more breathtaking and ideal.

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This mountain mansion created by Cubeflash with an infinity-style pool is perfect for some 1.18 Caves and Cliffs build inspiration. It's a simple yet pleasing design that players can alter the way they want to best suit their needs. And the floating pool is just a really nice touch.

11 Mansion With Gardens

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (4)

Landscaping and greenery are very important to have when making modern builds in Minecraft. Otherwise, these builds tend to feel cold, lifeless, and a bit too blocky. The organic and intricate patterns and colors of plants help to vary the design of modern mansions, as seen with this design.

Created by Chriszczeck, this build really takes advantage of flowers and greenery. Not just that, it's one of the rare builds that actually look good with red bricks incorporated into its outside pathway.

10 Skewed Desert Home

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (5)

Building in the desert is a challenge not many Minecraft players choose to undertake. The environment just isn't as aesthetically pleasing as in other biomes, and it's not the best choice for survival due to low resources like wood and livestock. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible to make a cool-looking modern Minecraft build in a desert biome.

In fact, it could be argued that modern houses look the best in desert biomes due to their airy, simple and minimalistic appearance. This modern home with a skewed roof built on sand by pqroxysm on Reddit is as nice on the outside as it is on the inside, with plenty of natural light.

9 The Grand Mansion

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (6)

Players not afraid to take on bigger builds should attempt building a large mansion house at least once in their Minecraft career. It's a long task that requires grinding for resources if one is playing survival mode, but it's definitely worth the effort.

This absolutely massive mansion created by symphonyStarcraft on Reddit showcases everything that's great about modern builds. The glass and white concrete clashes nicely with the lush and green jungle biome background. And of course, the pool just looks amazing with shaders on.

8 Black And White With Gardens

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (7)

Given Minecraft's otherwise so traditional style, it can be difficult to come up with solutions on where to place crop farming areas and storage systems. However, even with modern builds it's possible to integrate the more medieval RPG style features of Minecraft into a cohesive whole.

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Building a medium-sized black and white mansion like UltraTyrannomax on Reddit did, with the farm disguised as a type of garden area is one of the answers to the problem. The wheat and pumpkins blend in perfectly.

7 Wood Meets Concrete Mansion

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (8)

New builders might think that modern builds in Minecraft rely solely on one material: concrete. However, it's perfectly fine to combine several different kinds of materials. Plus, if concrete is not available, it can often be substituted for quartz blocks if the player can afford it.

Reddit user MiguePlayz22 combines several block types in his design seamlessly. There's concrete, quartz, glass, and even wood, a material which is normally not used that much in modern builds. The bottom line is, it's okay to play around with different patterns and blocks, even when trying to create something minimalistic.

6 Unique Dark Grey Home

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (9)

There's one common feature that tends to be prevalent in almost every modern Minecraft build: white concrete, or white blocks in general. However, sometimes white blocks or materials just aren't readily available. That doesn't mean creating a modern house is impossible.

Having a dark color like this dark grey concrete as a primary color instead actually makes a modern build look more unique and have more personality. Don't be afraid of switching the main color of the build to something different, just like iKerbit on Reddit did in this fantastic design.

5 The Ultimate Modern Island Base

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (10)

When planning a home in Minecraft, finding the right location is absolutely key. A good spot can completely change the way a house looks, simply due to its gorgeous, aesthetically pleasing surroundings. That's exactly what makes this ultimate Minecraft modern mansion base so incredibly good.

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Reddit user lemonskev was persuaded by their kids to try Minecraft, and this base was the result of it. It not only has all the things one could hope for in a survival base, but also a cool infinity pool overlooking the surrounding nature.

4 Waterside Modern

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (11)

Speaking of choosing the best environment, a great addition to any modern house is the close presence of water. There's just something incredibly special about connecting with water, which in Minecraft makes for easy transportation on a boat or fishing for food and treasure.

With shaders on, water also just looks incredibly good. It definitely complements this simple yet gorgeous quartz-based modern build designed by Reddit user TwentyCharactersL0ng. The most unique part has to be the quartz bridge acting as an entrance to an open living room.

3 Modern Home With Indoor Garden

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (12)

As mentioned previously, modern builds will typically use a lot of glass and concrete. However, early game these resources are somewhat expensive to come by. Not to worry, however, because wood also functions perfectly fine as the main building block for a nice modern home.

This ingenious primarily wooden design created by Reddit user OtamaTheWorld has an adorable greenhouse in the middle, which gives it its signature modern appearance. That, and the variation of dark oak and acacia wood, as well as the pillars, arranged next to one another.

2 The Underwater Base

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (13)

Underwater houses are not a classic choice for early-game in Minecraft, but the effort is usually worth it. Building one in a coral reef biome, in particular, is a great idea due to the wonderful environment and aesthetic appearance.

OtamaTheWorld on Reddit showcases some of his talents in this small yet elegant underwater build that has all the survival necessities for a starting Minecraft player. Using quartz blocks and black concrete, the simple build blends in quite nicely with the colorful coral reef environment.

1 Start Small - Modern Starter

Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (14)

Many of the designs showcased here might feel daunting for beginner builders. Luckily, a great Minecraft build doesn't have to be a massive mansion. Sometimes, it's the small builds that really manage to capture people's hearts and provide all the necessities a good Minecraft home needs.

OtamaTheWorld on Reddit proves this by sharing a small five-by-five Minecraft modern house build. It's the perfect design to practice modern building style with, and ideal for anyone building in survival with limited resources.

Minecraft was released on November 18, 2011, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, and many other platforms.


Minecraft: 14 Modern House Design Ideas That Are Stunning (2024)


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