Ideagen Quality Management (2024)

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Qualitäts-, Compliance-, Sicherheits- und Risikomanagement

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Über Ideagen Quality Management

Q-Pulse ist ein elektronisches Qualitätsmanagementsystem von Ideagen, das auch Geschäftsprozesse automatisiert, die Compliance, Sicherheit und Risikomanagement abdecken. Im System enthalten sind Tools zur Verwaltung von Dokumenten, Mitarbeiterschulungen und -kompetenz, Sicherheit, Vorfällen, Korrektur- und Vorbeugemaßnahmen (CAPA), Audits, Lieferanten und mehr. Strukturen, Workflows, Datensicherheit, Warnmeldungen und Eskalationen können in Q-Pulse konfiguriert werden, um organisatorische Standards und Prozesse widerzuspiegeln.

Das Audit-Modul von Q-Pulse bietet Nutzern die Kontrolle über den gesamten Audit-Lebenszyklus, die Planung und Einplanung, Vorbereitung, Implementierung, Berichterstattung und Maßnahmenverfolgung umfasst. Audit-Funktionen sind offline verfügbar, sodass Nutzer aus der Ferne mit begrenzter Konnektivität arbeiten können. Risikobasierte interne Audits können durchgeführt werden und Finanzaudits, einschließlich SOX, können automatisiert werden. Mit dem CAPA-System kann der Fortschritt von Maßnahmen zentral erfasst, verwaltet und verfolgt werden, wobei das Workflow-Management des Genehmigungsprozesses die automatische Weiterleitung von Genehmigungen, Benachrichtigungen, Erinnerungen, Eskalationen und Schließungen an die zuständigen Personen ermöglicht.

Q-Pulse ermöglicht es Nutzern, die Leistung über KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in Echtzeit zu überwachen, um operative Leistung, Qualität, Sicherheit, Risiko und Compliance zu gewährleisten und diese zu verwenden, um Probleme in Governance-Strategien zu identifizieren und zu korrigieren. Q-Pulse bietet auch native Apps für iOS und Android, die Audit-, Dokumentenmanagement- und Berichterstattungsfunktionen umfassen und verwendet werden, um Berichte in Echtzeit zu bearbeiten, zu kommunizieren und zu übermitteln, während sie sich außerhalb des Büros befinden.


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Ideagen Quality Management



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MasterControl Quality Excellence

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EHS Software

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Zeigt 5 von 166 BewertungenAlle Bewertungen

Zeigt 5 von 166 Bewertungen

Ideagen Quality Management (41)



  • Branche:Tierarzt
  • Unternehmensgröße:11–50 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote10.0/10

Essential Tool

Bewertet am 12.2.2019

I was handed the Qualtrax platform during my first days on the job and instructed to implement it...

I was handed the Qualtrax platform during my first days on the job and instructed to implement it across the laboratory branch system. The customer support was and is still incredible. The software effortlessly expands to meet our needs. The product development team is constantly adapting and improving the functionality of the system. One of the best gems of Qualtrax is the Users conference that even after 5 years of using the system, still allows me to expand my knowledge of the software.


Electronic reminders for due date, revisions and document reviews.
Workflow module for tracking equipment, CAPAS, customer feedback and a multitude of other activities that are critical to lab management.


The calendar feature on the dashboard has never been useful



  • Branche:Strafverfolgung
  • Unternehmensgröße:51–200 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote10.0/10

Great Product for Managing Quality

Bewertet am 16.8.2021

Overall - I'm very happy with Qualtrax. I tell my lab director 'Give me two to three years to get...

Overall - I'm very happy with Qualtrax. I tell my lab director 'Give me two to three years to get Qualtrax purring for me than I can kick back and relax." I'm tired of being a 'clerical' QAO who spends all my time moving paperwork from the inbox to a file folder. I can see how Qualtrax will reduce the amount of paperwork going over my desk, so I can concentrate on other quality projects.

Technical support is just an email away and they have been so great about getting back to me and assisting me in all my beginner questions. Qualtrax Tech support outshines any support for any other software that I've used.


Before Qualtrax, in document management, so much of my time was caught up in writing memos, marking up documents and distributing information. With Qualtrax, the system is automated for me. I can make the changes in a document, send it for the review process and once approved, my staff is informed on the changes through email.

Training - I can create the training assignment once and set the training so it can be automatically assigned to a specific set of staff members each year. An email is sent to everyone assigned for the training. They complete the training and I can run a report to see who was assigned and who completed the training. The reports are easy to create and view. No more stacks of paperwork to collate and file. No more Excel spreadsheets tracking who did and didn't do the training. Supervisors can see who did what training without coming to my office.

The last powerful feature of Qualtrax I'm using the most are the workflows. I can make workflows to mimic the processes we do in the lab to reduce the amount of paperwork floating through my lab. Great for showing compliance to your Quality System without the piles of paperwork.

Archiving of old paperwork. It's great to archive old paperwork for the Quality program into Qualtrax so everyone who has the proper security rights in Qualtrax can see the paperwork. Empty drawers and no more notebooks in a few months.


Would like to see more videos and training documents for processes in Qualtrax especially the workflows. Their user manual is good, but so much more could be shown in a video.

Ideagen Quality Management (42)



  • Branche:Fluggesellschaften/Luftfahrt
  • Unternehmensgröße:1.001–5.000 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote5.0/10

Quality and Reporting Management system

Bewertet am 3.1.2024


The software has various modules and is configurable to your liking. You can customise the workflow to your preferences and have the ability to build forms and templates yourself. It also has an easy access management module.

You can also set up workflows for stages with different actions depending on the workflow you need.


The software lacks a proper reporting application for operational staff. In addition, there is no suitable place for administering safety impact risk assessments in line with aviation regulations.



  • Branche:Strafverfolgung
  • Unternehmensgröße:51–200 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote10.0/10

Choose your Qualtrax Admin carefully!

Bewertet am 1.5.2019

Centralized, and standardized, the required controlled documents for our laboratory system, over...

Centralized, and standardized, the required controlled documents for our laboratory system, over 400 documents divided into about 10 operational divisions. The management of this system is now taking just a fraction of time that was required with our legacy system.

The developed workflows have likewise centralized, and significantly standardized, many of our quality assurance processes. It is now far more difficult for a particular incident resolution process to become "lost in the system" than before the online workflow capability was implemented.


Extremely configurable, flexible, powerful workflows. Your realized value of the workflows will be directly proportional to the skill and dedication of the system admin(s) and the workflow designers.

Document management system is a full featured system, capable of handling both controlled and uncontrolled documents, even to mixing them within a given folder, providing for a flexible, convenient integrated document management system.

The system of user groups utilized by the package facilitates the flexible, easy management of controlling function authorization for all users, and visitors, on the system. Again, the design and implementation of the security groups, a function of the system admin(s) will have a massive influence on the functionality of this feature.


Data mining capabilities are limited. Massive amounts of information can be input, but accessing the information with reporting tools, such as Crystal Reports, is not robustly supported.

Verifizierter Rezensent


  • Branche:Umweltdienstleistungen
  • Unternehmensgröße:51–200 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote10.0/10

Automate your ISO 17025 or TNI compliance

Bewertet am 5.3.2020

Regulatory compliance can be complicated and resource-intensive. Qualtrax set out to simplify...

Regulatory compliance can be complicated and resource-intensive. Qualtrax set out to simplify compliance and have produced a robust product that delivers solid value. If you are hesitant to abandon your current compliance strategy, don't be. Even the best in-house systems can't compete with their ready-to-use solutions. Adoption is quick because end users immediately see that every process Qualtrax takes over is more elegant, tidy, and traceable. There's always room for improvement and Qualtrax recognizes that. So, the company listens to the voice of the customer and they continuously work to improve their software. I don't think there is a better product on the market that comes close to Qualtrax's value, ease of use, and functionality.


Out-of-the-box document control, robust email notification system, configurable. Automates compliance management specific to individual standards. Built with ISO and TNI compliance in mind. Easy for end-users to learn, making adoption painless.

Qualtrax customer support and corporate culture are the best I've experienced. The entire team is dedicated to creating a premium product that really addresses an important need.


Workflows are useful and configurable, but building them can be difficult at certain steps. More functionality would help during the creation of the workflows. Also, mining of the data stored within Qualtrax is limited and could be improved.

5 von 166 Bewertungen angezeigtAlle Bewertungen

Ideagen Quality Management Häufig gestellte Fragen

Weiter unter folgen häufig gestellte Fragen über Ideagen Quality Management.

F. Welche Preispläne bietet Ideagen Quality Management an?

Ideagen Quality Management bietet folgende Kostenpläne an:

  • Gratis Testen:Nicht verfügbar

F. Wer sind die typischen Nutzer von Ideagen Quality Management?

Ideagen Quality Management hat die folgenden typischen Kunden:

Selbstständig, 2–10, 11–50, 51–200, 201–500, 501–1.000, 1.001–5.000

F: Welche Sprachen werden von Ideagen Quality Management unterstützt?

Ideagen Quality Management unterstützt die folgenden Sprachen:


F. Unterstützt Ideagen Quality Management mobile Geräte?

Ideagen Quality Management unterstützt die folgenden Geräte:

Android (mobil), iPhone (mobil), iPad (mobil)

F. Mit welchen anderen Applikationen integriert Ideagen Quality Management?

Wir haben keine Informationen darüber, welche Integrationen Ideagen Quality Management hat

F. Welche Varianten der Kundenbetreuung bietet Ideagen Quality Management an?

Ideagen Quality Management bietet folgende Optionen für Kundensupport:

E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQ/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefon-Support, 24/7 Live-Support, Chat

Ähnliche Kategorien

Sieh alle für Ideagen Quality Management gefundenen Softwarekategorien an.

  • QM Software (Qualitätsmanagement)
  • Compliance Management Systeme
  • Risikomanagement Software
  • Dokumentenmanagementsysteme
  • CAPA-Systeme (Corrective and Preventive Action)
  • Inspektionssoftware
  • Sicherheitsmanagement Software
  • Equipment Maintenance Software
  • Dokumentenlenkung Software
  • Akkreditierung Software
  • Lebensmittel-Rückverfolgbarkeit Software
  • Kalibriersoftware
  • Beschwerdemanagement Software
  • SCM Software (Supply Chain Management)
  • BPM-Tools
Ideagen Quality Management (2024)


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Article information

Author: Domingo Moore

Last Updated:

Views: 6735

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.