Frequently Asked Questions | PREMINT (2024)

  1. What are the different Premint products?

    • Premint offers two products - the Collector pass and the Creator key. In short, the collector pass is suitable for investors/ collectors of NFTs while the Creator key is suitable for NFT project founders, teams etc.

    • Please visit these links to understand more about each of our products:

  2. How much does the Creator Key (previously called the Creator Pass) cost and how do I buy it? Can I buy one from OpenSea or any other source?

    • You can mint the Creator Key from our website for 1 eth.

    • Please note that if you buy from any other source (like OpenSea) or mint it from somewhere else, you will not be able to use it.

  3. Can I transfer the Creator Key to a friend or sell it after my project is launched and I no longer need it?

    • The Creator Key is for use by a single individual and you can't transfer or sell it.

    • There is nothing in our smart contract preventing this but the key gets flagged and unusable when either of these is done.

  4. How many PREMINT raffles can I create if I have one Creator Key? Can I use it to launch two completely unrelated NFT projects? Can I have multiple raffles running simultaneously?

    • There is no limit on the number of raffles you can create or run simultaneously.

    • You can launch as many NFT projects as you wish using one Creator Key.

    • However, please ensure that your account activity is aligned with our anti abuse policy.

  5. Is the discord server for creators as well as collectors?

  6. I have a Premint Collector Pass but it does not let me publish my NFT project. Can you please help me?

    • You need the Creator key to publish projects on Premint. You can mint it from

  7. What is the difference between the Creator Pass and the Creator Key?

    • Both are identical when it comes to functionality or features.

    • The Creator Pass is what we originally called our Creator product offering. It was on the OpenSea contract which created some issues. So we created a new contract and renamed the Creator product offering to Creator Key. All creators minting from our website now get the Creator Key.

    • You will often see the phrases "Creator Key" and "Creator Pass” used interchangeably in this server.

  8. Is there a quick summary showing all PREMINT features?

    • This video gives a good walkthrough of Premint’s creator functionality. It is a little old and does not cover every single feature we now have, but it is a very good start.

  9. I minted a creator key and activated it. However my project's public URL still can't be accessed by other users. What is the issue?

    • This happens if you create a project before activiting your creator key. Please create a new project (after your key has been activated) and it will be accessible by everyone.

  10. Do all creators need to KYC to use PREMINT's creator functionality?

    • No. KYC is mandatory only if you wish to offer allowlist spots to PREMINT Collector Pass holders.

  11. How can I KYC and how long does it take?

    • A KYC link will be shared with you automatically when you try initiating a collab with PREMINT Collector Pas holders.

    • Please ensure that the KYC is done by the creator key onwer and not admins/ team members.

    • Most creators are able to complete the KYC process in less than 5 minutes.

    • Projects by KYCed creators have a header indicating that they have KYCed. So if you would like to show this header to your users, you can check out the first point in this answer. Once the KYC is complete and you are taken back to the collab page, feel free to not offer spots to PREMINT Collector Pass holders if you wish. That is, it is not mandatory to offer spots to Collector Pass Holders if you wish to KYC.

  12. I would like to do an allowlist giveaway (or collab) for Premint collector pass holders, how do I go about it?

    • You would need to be a Creator Key/ Pass holder for an allowlist giveaway/ collab with Premint Collector Pass holders.

    • You can follow this page for the exact steps/ process for creating a giveaway. Once you complete these steps, our team gets notified and reviews these collab applications within 7 days.

  13. If I am a creator pass/ key holder, is it guaranteed that my collab for Premint collector pass holders will be approved?

    • These collab applications follow a review process and there is no guarantee that every project offering allowlist spots gets approved.

    • Most projects are approved, however the PREMINT collab council has the final say on what is approved and what is rejected.

  14. If I am not a creator pass/ key holder and do not plan to mint one in the future, can I still do an allowlist giveaway for Premint collector pass holders?

    • No, you would need to be a Creator Key/ Pass holder for an allowlist giveaway/ collab with Premint Collector Pass holders.

  15. How long does it take for the Premint team to review/ approve collab applications (for Premint collector pass holders)?

    • This depends on the volume of requests. Based on the current volume, collabs are reviewed in 7 days.

  16. My project is minting soon, can my allowlist offer/ collab be reviewed sooner?

    • In fairness to all collab requests, we review submissions in the order they were received. We do not make exceptions.

  17. How are projects selected for collabs? Can I do anything to increase my chances of selection?

    • We have a selection framework we use to evaluate projects for Collector Pass collaborations. We do not share the selection framework publicly.

    • If you are comfortable sharing your PREMINT page with your collector community, it is good enough for our team to review. We do not suggest doing anything special

  18. Why was my project rejected?

    • We do not share specific reasoning for rejections.

  19. Do I get a notification when my collab request for Premint Collector Pass holders is reviewed?

    • No, you will not get any form of notification. Once the project is reviewed, the text label next to the collab will change to “Approved” or “Rejected”.

  20. I had requirements for following my twitter handle and joining my discord server. Why are collector pass holders are able to bypass these requirements in the collector pass collab

    • Collector Pass Holders can bypass these requirements (for Collector Pass collabs) by design.

  21. What are collab council picks/ featured/ official collabs?

    • We have an undisclosed/ confidential framework of quantitative and subjective criteria for official/ featured collabs. If/ when we think a project meets those requirements, we approach it for an official collab. Outside of that, there is no other way to get an official endorsem*nt.

  22. Our project is path breaking and we really deserve the collab council picks/ featured/ official status. Where can we apply?

    • There is no application process. If/ when we think a project is suitable for this status, we will approach it on our own.

  23. If I create a collab for Premint Collector Pass holders, will my project link be shown to all collector pass holders?

    • Our team reviews each request for collab with Premint Collector Pass holders. If your application is approved, your project will be shown to our Collector pass community.

  24. I own a Creator Pass/ Key and I have just created a project on Premint. Will my project be shown to all Collector Pass holders?

    • Not every projects is shown to Collector Pass holders. If your project receives a certain number of registrations (the exact number is confidential), it automatically appears in "New projects" under Explore in the collector pass dashboard.

    • Or if you create a collab for allowlist spots and it gets approved (more details in other posts in this channel), it will appear in the collabs section.

  25. If I want to collab with some project, would they need to own the Creator key too?

    • The projects you wish to collab with don't need to hold the creator pass/key.

  26. I would like to collab (offer allowlist spots) to a project which involves staking. Or one which has not minted yet. How do I set it up?

    • Lets think of collabs (project/ community collabs, not the collabs functionality on Premint) as 2 independent groups:

      1. Projects which have minted already and which do not involve staking

      2. Projects involving staking or without NFTs

    • Both groups need to be handled differently in Premint.

    • Lets say you want to collab with 10 projects. 7 belonging to the first group and 3 to the second.

    • You'll need to create one project in Premint and create 7 collabs under it. And in each, mention contract details of a project. (This takes care of group 1)

    • Then duplicate the main project, modify joining requirements (discord details or twitter or whatever in line with your requirements) and use for one collab from group 2.

    • Then duplicate this for two other collabs in group 2.

  27. If I create a collab with some project (other than Premint Collector pass), would they get notified about my collab request? Also, does the other project need to approve the collab in PREMINT?

    • PREMINT only helps you with the registration and raffle part of the collab. The actual communication with the other project's holders or their team would need to be done by you outside of Premint.

    • Additionally, the status and the review are applicable only to collabs with Premint collector pass currently (These projects do not need to do anything in PREMINT). So, the status of these collabs will always be “Not yet reviewed” and you can ignore these.

  28. Does Premint offer any paid promotions/ advertisem*nts?

    • No, we do not do any form of promotions or advertisem*nts.

  29. I have the Creator Pass and it is working fine. Do I need to get the Creator Key?

    • No, you do not need the Creator Key. It’s practically the same product with a different name.

  30. I have the Creator Pass and it is working fine. But I want to swap it out and get the Creator Key. How do I get it?

    • There is no need to swap and neither do we support such requests.

  31. Can I try the Creator Key without buying it first?

    • You can try all features of the Creator Key by visiting and then creating a new project by clicking on “Add new project”. The only limitation is that you can’t publish pages without actually owning the Creator Key. That is, the pages you create will be visible only to you even though you share the link in public.

  32. Do you offer any discounts or payment plans? Do you accept in-kind payments?

    • No, we have just one pricing model. It costs 1 eth to mint the Creator Key. And we accept only eth.

  33. My requirements are simpler and I do not wish to use all features. Can you introduce a cheaper pricing tier with less features?

    • No, we have just one pricing model. It costs 1 eth to mint the Creator Key.

  34. Is there a Terms of Use or some policy I should be mindful of while using the PREMINT Creator Key?

    • Please refer to our anti-abuse policy

    • Or the details Terms of use here:

  35. What exactly does Premint do? I have an upcoming NFT collection, how can Premint help me?

    • Premint helps project teams/ creators in managing their allowlist. You can set different types of entry requirements using Pemint to ensure that only your community members and those of your collab partners can register for your allowlist spots and there are no bots.

  36. Does Premint offer marketing/ promotions/ paid tweets? I own the creator pass/ key and would be open to paying some fees for these.

    • We don’t offer such services.

  37. Can Premint post about our project on Twitter/ Instagram/ Facebook…?

    • No, we don’t.

  38. Can you please evaluate our Premint page/ project plan/ roadmap/ whitepaper/ marketing plan/ strategy/ art and share your feedback?

    • Sorry, we do not have the bandwidth to advise projects on these aspects.

  39. I noticed that the export generated by PREMINT has wallet addresses in lowercase. Will that cause any issues?

    • Wallet addresses are case insensitive. Thousands of projects have minted without issues using lowercase wallet addresses.

    • If you face any issues while testing this in testnet, please ask your smart contract dev if they have some special code which is causing this issue. They should be able to fix this quickly.

  40. Can I have multiple Premint pages (or lists or projects) live simultaneously?

    • Yes, as many as you’d like.

  41. Do you support any chain/ cryptocurrency other than eth? Do you plan to support any chain other than eth in the future?

    • We fully support only eth mainnet. You can use some Premint features like check if a user follows a certain twitter handle or check if the user has xyz role in some discord server or what is their eth balance.

    • But you won't be able to check the their balance on any other chain or ownership of some an NFT on any other chain.

    • Also, if you do plan to use Premint for some other chain, you may need to get their wallet address for the other chain using Premint's custom text box field. So there won't be a validation that it is indeed a valid wallet address.

    • We are exploring supporting some other chains. 👀

  42. When do users (who register for raffles) get emails from PREMINT?

    • Users get emails if they have opted in:

      1. when they register

      2. when the results are declared (The creator needs to pick winners and finalize) and they are winners or are waitlisted. In this case, users get email only if they registered for the raffle themselves, not if the project team manually added their wallet address.

      3. (applicable only for collector pass holders) winners and waitlisted users also get mint reminder emails on the day of the mint and the day before the mint.

    • Please refer to the page Alerting winners for details about situations which prevent your users from receving emails from PREMINT.

  43. I would like to collect some information (like email address, country of residence, favorite color etc.) which is not currently supported by Premint. Is there any way to collect this information?

    • You can use Premint’s custom text field functionality to collect additional information. But please note that only 1 such input is supported currently.

  44. How does the Premint custom text field work?

    • Premint supports the use of a custom text field which creators can use to accept user inputs (examples include email address, the number of mints requested, solana wallet address etc.).

    • Creators can choose to include the custom field or exclude it. But if it is included, it is mandatory. That is, if included, every registering user will necessarily need to fill it.

  45. We have an interesting proposal for the Premint team/ community. Can we get on a call to discuss?

    • We are a small team and are focussed on building. We suggest creating a support ticket and sharing all relevant details. Our team will evaluate it and get back to you as soon as we can.

  46. How can I give access to my team members to edit projects or create new ones?

    • The creator will need to activate the key and then create a new project. They would then need to go to edit settings and the team wallets section and add team member/ admin wallets. The team members will be able to modify that project.

    • Please note that this is the current functionality and may change in the future.

    • More detailed steps for granting team members access are as below:

      1. Creator mints creator key

      2. Creator key holder activates the creator key

      3. Creator key holder creates a new project

      4. Creator key holder adds team member wallets in the team wallets section (after going to "Edit settings")

      5. At this point, everyone who was added in team wallets can see this project when they visit

      6. Team members can modify this project

  47. If I have any issues, what’s the best place to ask?

    • Feel free to ask in any channel or create a 📝│support-ticket if it is something confidential. If it is not a private/ confidential question, asking in the public or creator channel may get a faster response as you will get more eyes on your question.

  48. Are there any recommended settings to eliminate/ minimize bots from registering to our project?

    • Please refer to this page to make it difficult for bots to register to your page.

  49. Does the wallet that minted the Creator Key have to be the same wallet that will be used to mint the project or deploy the smart contract?

    • No, there is no connection between Premint and your smart contract.

  50. I am a Creator Pass/ Key owner. Is there a channel for networking with other creators or make feature requests?

    • Please verify to get access to more channels.

Frequently Asked Questions | PREMINT (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.