Biophilic Design in Healthcare: Healing Environments for Patients (2024)

Biophilic design in healthcare is a revolutionary approach that integrates natural elements and principles into healthcare environments, creating healing spaces that prioritise the well-being of patients. This innovative design philosophy recognises the vital role of nature in improving physical and mental health, reducing stress, and enhancing overall healing.

Biophilic Design in Healthcare: Healing Environments for Patients (1)

Research has shown that the quality of the healthcare environment has a significant impact on patient outcomes. By incorporating biophilic design principles, healthcare settings can transform into wellness spaces that promote healing and patient-centered care. From nature-inspired architectural elements to evidence-based design practices, biophilic design in healthcare is revolutionising the way we think about therapeutic architecture.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biophilic design in healthcare integrates natural elements and principles into healthcare environments.
  • Healthcare settings that embrace biophilic design create healing environments that prioritize patient well-being.
  • Nature-inspired design elements and evidence-based practices are at the core of biophilic design in healthcare.
  • Biophilic design in healthcare promotes stress reduction, improved healing, and pain relief for patients.
  • Implementing biophilic design in healthcare settings requires collaboration between designers, healthcare professionals, and patients.

The Importance of Therapeutic Environments in Healthcare

Research has shown that the qualities of the environment in which patients receive healthcare can significantly influence their health outcomes. Therapeutic environments, which go beyond the clinical setting and take into account the psychological, emotional, and social needs of patients, have been found to have a positive impact on patient well-being. In the case of cancer patients, who often face not only physical but also psychological and social challenges, the design of the healthcare environment becomes even more crucial. Creating therapeutic environments that incorporate biophilic design principles can help support and promote the health and well-being of cancer patients.

A therapeutic environment in healthcare is characterised by a non-clinical atmosphere that promotes a sense of calm and comfort. It provides a space for patients to feel safe and supported, allowing them to focus on their healing process. By integrating nature-inspired elements and incorporating biophilic design principles, such as the use of natural materials, access to natural light, and the inclusion of green spaces, therapeutic environments can create a connection with nature that has been shown to have a positive impact on patient well-being.

Studies have indicated that exposure to nature and natural elements in healthcare settings can help reduce stress levels, improve mood, and enhance overall patient satisfaction. By creating a healing environment that mimics the natural world, healthcare facilities can contribute to the overall well-being and comfort of patients, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes. The integration of nature into the healthcare environment can also have a positive effect on healthcare providers, reducing their stress levels and enhancing job satisfaction.

In conclusion, the design of therapeutic environments in healthcare plays a vital role in supporting the well-being of patients, particularly those facing challenging conditions such as cancer. By incorporating biophilic design principles, healthcare facilities can create spaces that promote healing, reduce stress, and provide comfort and solace to patients. The integration of nature-inspired elements and the creation of non-clinical environments can contribute to positive health outcomes and enhance the overall experience for both patients and healthcare providers.

Table: Elements of a Therapeutic Environment in Healthcare

Design ElementsBenefits
Natural materialsCreates a sense of warmth and authenticity in the space
Natural lightRegulates circadian rhythms and enhances overall well-being
Green spacesProvides opportunities for patients to engage with nature and experience its therapeutic benefits
Access to views of natureCreates a sense of connection with the outdoors and provides a visually stimulating environment
Multisensory experienceEngages all senses and promotes a sense of calm and tranquility

The Benefits of Biophilic Design in Healthcare

Biophilic design in healthcare settings offers a multitude of benefits for patients, ranging from stress reduction to improved healing and pain relief. Research has consistently shown that exposure to nature and natural elements has a positive impact on patient well-being and recovery.

  • Stress Reduction: Incorporating natural elements, such as plants, into healthcare spaces has been proven to reduce stress levels in patients. The presence of greenery and other natural elements creates a calming and soothing environment, helping to alleviate anxiety and promote relaxation.
  • Improved Healing: Biophilic design has been associated with faster healing times for patients. The inclusion of natural light, views of nature, and the use of natural materials in healthcare settings has been shown to enhance the healing process and contribute to better health outcomes.
  • Pain Relief: Studies have indicated that exposure to nature can provide pain relief for patients. Being in natural environments or spaces designed to mimic nature’s elements can help reduce the perception of pain and improve overall comfort levels.

By incorporating biophilic design principles, healthcare facilities can create environments that support patient well-being and enhance the effectiveness of medical treatments. The use of natural elements, such as plants, natural light, and views of nature, provides patients with a multisensory experience that promotes a sense of calm and tranquility. These elements not only contribute to the aesthetics of the space but also play a crucial role in creating a healing environment that reduces stress, improves healing, and provides pain relief.

Biophilic Design in Healthcare: Healing Environments for Patients (2)

Biophilic Design Frameworks and Guidelines

Various biophilic design frameworks and guidelines have been developed to inform the application of biophilic design in healthcare settings. These frameworks provide valuable recommendations and design parameters for creating nature-inspired healing environments. However, it is important to consider the specific building typology and the geographical context when implementing biophilic design principles.

A geographically contextualized framework takes into account the unique features of the local climate, flora, and fauna to create a design that resonates with the surrounding natural environment. This approach ensures that the healthcare setting seamlessly integrates with the local context and provides an authentic connection to nature.

Design recommendations within biophilic design frameworks often prioritize certain hierarchical parameters based on their impact on patient well-being. These parameters may include the presence of vegetation, access to natural light, views of nature, and the use of natural materials. By following these recommendations, designers can create spaces that promote stress reduction, improved healing, and overall patient satisfaction.

Hierarchical ParametersDesign Recommendations
Presence of vegetationCreate indoor gardens and incorporate potted plants to bring nature indoors.
Access to natural lightMaximize natural light by using large windows, skylights, or light wells.
Views of natureEnsure that patients have access to views of greenery, water features, or natural landscapes.
Use of natural materialsIncorporate natural materials such as wood, stone, and bamboo for a tactile connection with nature.

By following these biophilic design frameworks and guidelines, healthcare settings can create spaces that promote the well-being and healing of patients. The integration of nature-inspired elements not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the environment but also contributes to positive health outcomes by reducing stress, improving healing times, and enhancing the overall patient experience.

Biophilic Design in Healthcare: Healing Environments for Patients (3)

Additional Considerations for Implementing Biophilic Design

While biophilic design frameworks provide a valuable starting point, it is important to remember that each healthcare setting is unique. Designers should collaborate with healthcare professionals, patients, and other stakeholders to ensure that the biophilic design principles are tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of the facility.

Furthermore, the implementation of biophilic design should extend beyond the physical environment. It is important to consider the integration of technology, the use of artwork, and the inclusion of natural elements in ancillary spaces such as waiting areas, corridors, and staff areas. This holistic approach ensures that the benefits of biophilic design are extended to all aspects of the healthcare setting.

By embracing biophilic design frameworks and adapting them to the unique characteristics of each healthcare setting, designers can create environments that promote healing, enhance well-being, and contribute to the overall success of the healthcare facility.

The Impact of Biophilic Design on Cancer Healthcare Settings

Cancer patients undergoing treatment face various challenges that can impact their mental health and overall well-being. The design of healthcare settings plays a crucial role in creating a healing environment that addresses these challenges and supports patients throughout their treatment journey. Biophilic design, with its focus on incorporating natural elements and principles into the design, has been found to have a positive impact on the mental health of cancer patients.

Studies have shown that biophilic design in cancer healthcare settings can help reduce anxiety and depression among patients. The inclusion of natural elements, such as greenery, water features, and natural materials, creates a sense of connection with nature. This connection to nature has been found to promote a soothing and calming atmosphere, which can contribute to better mental well-being and overall patient experience.

“Biophilic design in cancer healthcare settings has been found to have a positive impact on patients’ mental health, reducing anxiety and depression.”

The Healing Environment and Patient Well-being

Creating a healing environment is essential in cancer healthcare settings, as it not only supports the mental well-being of patients but also contributes to better health outcomes. Biophilic design enables the integration of natural elements that promote a sense of calm and tranquility, creating a healing environment that enhances patient well-being. By incorporating biophilic design principles into cancer healthcare settings, healthcare facilities can foster a positive and supportive atmosphere for patients, improving their overall experience and aiding in their recovery process.

Benefit of Biophilic Design in Cancer Healthcare SettingsExplanation
Reduced anxiety and depressionThe inclusion of natural elements in the design creates a calming atmosphere, reducing anxiety and depression among cancer patients.
Enhanced mental well-beingThe connection to nature through biophilic design promotes a positive mental state and contributes to better patient well-being.
Improved patient experienceThe soothing environment created by biophilic design improves the overall experience for cancer patients during their treatment journey.

Design Elements of Biophilic Healthcare Spaces

The design elements of biophilic healthcare spaces focus on incorporating natural materials, maximizing natural light, providing views of nature, and creating a multisensory experience for patients. The use of natural materials such as wood and stone brings a sense of warmth and authenticity to the space, creating a welcoming and soothing environment. These materials can be used in furniture, flooring, and wall coverings to create a connection with nature and promote a sense of calm and serenity.

Maximizing natural light is another essential design element in biophilic healthcare spaces. Well-designed windows and skylights can not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the space but also provide ample natural light that has been proven to have various health benefits. Natural light helps regulate the circadian rhythms of patients, improves mood and mental well-being, and enhances the overall healing environment.

Providing views of nature is also crucial in biophilic healthcare design. Whether it’s through large windows that offer glimpses of greenery or strategically placed artwork showcasing natural landscapes, views of nature create a connection with the outdoors and provide a visually stimulating environment. These views can help reduce anxiety, offer a distraction from medical procedures, and contribute to a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

A multisensory experience is an integral part of biophilic design in healthcare spaces. Engaging all the senses through the sounds, smells, and textures of nature can create a holistic and therapeutic environment. Incorporating elements such as indoor plants, water features, and natural aromas can provide a multisensory experience that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances overall patient well-being.

Biophilic Design in Healthcare: Healing Environments for Patients (4)

Table: Examples of Natural Materials in Biophilic Healthcare Spaces

Natural MaterialApplication
WoodWall paneling, furniture
StoneCountertops, flooring
BambooBlinds, room dividers
RattanSeating, decorative elements

“The use of natural materials and elements in healthcare spaces helps create a calming and healing environment that promotes patient well-being.”

By incorporating these design elements, biophilic healthcare spaces can provide a nurturing and healing environment for patients. The use of natural materials, natural light, views of nature, and multisensory experiences help create a sense of connection with the natural world, reduce stress, and enhance the overall well-being of patients. As healthcare facilities continue to recognize the importance of biophilic design, these elements will play a crucial role in fostering a healing environment that supports the physical and emotional recovery of patients.

Implementing Biophilic Design in Healthcare Settings

Implementing biophilic design principles in healthcare settings involves a thoughtful and intentional design process that prioritizes the integration of natural elements, green spaces, and art installations. By incorporating these elements, healthcare environments can create a sense of connection with nature, promoting a healing and soothing atmosphere for patients.

The design process begins with the selection and placement of natural elements, such as plants, water features, and natural materials. These elements can be strategically placed throughout the space to create a visually captivating and calming environment. Research has shown that the presence of greenery in healthcare settings can improve patient well-being by reducing stress levels and promoting a sense of tranquility.

In addition to incorporating natural elements, the inclusion of green spaces, both indoors and outdoors, allows patients to engage with nature directly. These green spaces can provide opportunities for relaxation, recreation, and reflection, further enhancing the therapeutic benefits of the healthcare environment.

Art installations inspired by nature can also play a significant role in the implementation of biophilic design. These installations can create visually stimulating spaces and offer an additional layer of connection with the natural world. From large-scale murals depicting natural landscapes to smaller installations inspired by the patterns and textures of nature, art can contribute to the overall biophilic design aesthetic and create a sense of intrigue and wonder for patients.

In conclusion, implementing biophilic design principles in healthcare settings involves a holistic approach that considers the design process, the integration of natural elements, the creation of green spaces, and the inclusion of art installations. By consciously incorporating these elements, healthcare facilities can create healing environments that promote the well-being and recovery of patients.

The Future of Biophilic Design in Healthcare

As biophilic design gains recognition in healthcare settings, its future lies in continued research, collaboration, and the adoption of a patient-centered approach to design. Ongoing studies are needed to further explore the impact of biophilic design on patient outcomes and to refine design guidelines and frameworks. By conducting rigorous research, designers can gain valuable insights into the specific benefits of incorporating natural elements and principles into healthcare environments. This knowledge can inform evidence-based design solutions that prioritize the well-being of patients and contribute to better health outcomes.

Design practice plays a crucial role in the future of biophilic design in healthcare. Architects, interior designers, and healthcare professionals need to work together to create patient-centered spaces that prioritize the psychological, emotional, and social needs of patients. By adopting a holistic approach, healthcare facilities can integrate nature-inspired design elements in a way that enhances the overall experience for patients and promotes healing and well-being.

“Integrating nature-inspired design elements in healthcare settings is not only aesthetically pleasing but also contributes to the overall well-being of patients.”

A patient-centered approach is key to the successful implementation of biophilic design in healthcare. By involving patients in the design process, their voices and preferences can be heard, leading to spaces that are truly tailored to their needs and preferences. This approach also allows for the customization of healthcare environments based on individual patient requirements, enhancing the effectiveness of treatments and promoting a sense of empowerment and autonomy.

Research and Collaboration: The Driving Forces of Biophilic Design in Healthcare

Research and collaboration will continue to be the driving forces behind the future of biophilic design in healthcare. Designers, healthcare professionals, and researchers need to collaborate closely to bridge the gap between research and practice. By pooling their knowledge and expertise, they can develop innovative design solutions that are backed by scientific evidence.

To fully realize the potential of biophilic design in healthcare, it is essential to prioritize interdisciplinary collaboration and engage in ongoing dialogue between researchers, designers, healthcare professionals, and patients. By working together, these stakeholders can shape the future of healthcare design, creating environments that prioritize the well-being and recovery of patients.


The incorporation of biophilic design in healthcare settings has proven to be an effective approach in creating healing environments that prioritize the well-being of patients. By integrating natural elements and principles into healthcare facilities, the stress levels of patients can be reduced, healing times can be improved, and pain relief can be provided. The benefits of biophilic design in healthcare have been widely recognized, with studies showing that patients in these environments experience improved recovery times, reduced anxiety, and better overall well-being.

Creating healing environments through biophilic design requires careful consideration of design elements, collaboration between various stakeholders, and a commitment to evidence-based practice. By embracing this design approach, healthcare facilities can enhance the overall experience for patients, improve health outcomes, and contribute to a more sustainable and holistic approach to healthcare design. The future of biophilic design in healthcare lies in ongoing research, collaboration, and the adoption of a patient-centered approach to design.

As the field of biophilic design continues to evolve, there is a growing recognition of its importance in healthcare settings. The shift towards creating patient-centered, nature-inspired healing environments is driven by the understanding that the quality of the healthcare environment plays a crucial role in patient well-being. By embracing the principles of biophilic design, healthcare facilities can not only provide physical healing but also create spaces that nurture and support the mental and emotional well-being of patients.

In conclusion, biophilic design has emerged as a powerful tool in the creation of healing environments within healthcare settings. By incorporating natural elements and principles, healthcare facilities can transform their spaces into therapeutic havens that promote the well-being of patients. As the field of biophilic design continues to advance, it is crucial for designers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to work together to integrate these principles into healthcare settings, ensuring a more holistic and patient-centered approach to healthcare design.


What is biophilic design in healthcare?

Biophilic design in healthcare refers to the incorporation of natural elements and principles into healthcare environments, creating healing spaces that promote the well-being of patients.

Why is biophilic design important in healthcare?

Research has shown that the quality of the healthcare environment can have a positive impact on patient outcomes. Biophilic design recognizes the important role of nature in improving physical and mental health, reducing stress, and enhancing overall healing.

What are the benefits of biophilic design in healthcare?

Exposure to nature and natural elements has been shown to reduce stress levels, promote faster healing, and provide pain relief for patients. Patients in healthcare environments with biophilic design experience improved recovery times, reduced anxiety, and better overall well-being.

Are there frameworks and guidelines for biophilic design in healthcare?

Yes, various biophilic design frameworks and guidelines have been developed to inform the application of biophilic design in healthcare settings. However, many of these frameworks lack specific guidance on the value and relevance of different design parameters for various building programs and contexts.

How does biophilic design impact cancer healthcare settings?

Biophilic design in cancer healthcare settings has been found to have a positive impact on patients’ mental health, reducing anxiety and depression. The inclusion of natural elements creates a sense of connection with nature and promotes a soothing and calming atmosphere.

What are the design elements of biophilic healthcare spaces?

The design elements include incorporating natural materials, maximizing natural light, providing views of nature, and creating a multisensory experience for patients.

How can biophilic design be implemented in healthcare settings?

Designers can incorporate natural elements, such as plants, water features, and natural materials, into the space. The inclusion of green spaces, both indoors and outdoors, and art installations inspired by nature can also contribute to the overall biophilic design aesthetic.

What does the future hold for biophilic design in healthcare?

Continued research, collaboration, and a patient-centered approach to design are essential. Ongoing studies are needed to further explore the impact of biophilic design on patient outcomes and refine design guidelines. Design practice should prioritize evidence-based solutions that respond to the specific needs of patients and healthcare professionals.

How does biophilic design contribute to healing environments in healthcare?

Biophilic design creates healing environments by incorporating natural elements, promoting stress reduction, improving healing times, and enhancing the overall patient experience and well-being.

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Biophilic Design in Healthcare: Healing Environments for Patients (2024)


Biophilic Design in Healthcare: Healing Environments for Patients? ›

For patients

How does biophilic environment help in the healing process? ›

Biophilic design has the power to create healing environments in rehabilitation settings by incorporating nature-inspired elements. The profound impact on patient's physical and emotional well-being is evident through reduced stress levels, improved recovery, enhanced engagement in therapy, and overall well-being.

What is biophilic design in healing spaces? ›

Biophilic design creates healing environments by incorporating natural elements, promoting stress reduction, improving healing times, and enhancing the overall patient experience and well-being.

How do you design a healing environment? ›

A healing environment admits natural light while providing access to nature. This could include an atrium feature, skylights, plenty of windows (glazed to filter natural light) and plants. Views of nature can help reduce stress by producing a sense of calm. Soft colors are found to promote quiet.

What are the three pillars of biophilic design? ›

2.3 Nature-Design Relationships. Biophilic design can be organized into three categories – Nature in the Space, Natural Analogues, and Nature of the Space – providing a framework for understanding and enabling thoughtful incorporation of a rich diversity of strategies into the built environment.

What are the benefits of biophilic design in healthcare? ›

What Are the Benefits of Biophilic Design?
  • Enhanced Well-Being and Mental Health. ...
  • Increased Productivity and Creativity. ...
  • Stress Reduction and Improved Cognitive Function. ...
  • Connection to Nature in Urban Environments. ...
  • Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship. ...
  • Community and Social Interaction.
Jan 5, 2024

What is the healing environment healing architecture concept? ›

'Healing architecture' is all about helping patients and residents in the process of self-healing and recovery. To promote healing and well-being, the aims of healing architecture include the following: Prevent environmental stresses such as noise, e.g. from slamming doors, a lack of privacy and barriers.

What are the 5 senses of biophilic design? ›

Biophilic design comprises the 5 senses; sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. The ultimate goal is to use these in conjunction with each other to create a space which reenergises its occupants and allows for maximum return on investment.

What are the biophilic design strategies? ›

Direct contact with vegetation, in and around the built environment, is one of the most successful strategies for fostering human-nature connection in design. The presence of plants can reduce stress, improve comfort, enhance mood, and prompt healing.

What is a healing environment for patients? ›

Soothing colors, natural light, pleasant sounds, cleanliness, visual stimuli such as artwork. Reducing environmental stressors such as noise, glare from lights, and poor air quality.

What are the three concepts of healing environment? ›

An OHE involves attending to three primary domains of care delivery: (1) the “inner,” personal environment of the team and patient; (2) the “inter,” personal or relationship environment of care delivery; and (3) the “external” behavioral and physical environment of the medical home (Jonas et al., 2003).

What are the four domains of healing optimal healing environments? ›

The four healing environments in the OHE framework—internal, interpersonal, behavioral, and external—were used to further understand the findings of this literature review and their possible influence on healing.

What is the biophilic design theory? ›

Biophilic design seeks to satisfy these inherent adaptations to nature in the modern built environment and, in doing so, enhance people's physical and mental health and fitness. Good habitat means ecologically sound and productive environments where people function to their optimal potential.

What is the difference between green architecture and biophilic design? ›

Difference Between Biophilic and Green Architecture

While both approaches are important for creating sustainable and healthy buildings, biophilic architecture places more emphasis on the psychological and emotional benefits of connecting with nature.

How to create biophilic design? ›

Here are a few ways to do it:
  1. Add plants: Incorporating potted plants or hanging greenery can add a natural element to your bedroom. ...
  2. Use natural materials: Choose natural materials for your bedding, curtains, and other textiles. ...
  3. Let in natural light: If possible, maximize the natural light in your bedroom.
Feb 15, 2023

How can nature method help us in healing? ›

Nature heals

Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.

How does nature give a healing effect on us? ›

One study found that feeling connected to nature was linked to higher levels of overall well-being and personal growth. The study authors suggest that feeling like you're a part of something bigger can help you grow in new ways. Spending time in nature boosts feelings of happiness in the short term.

How does biophilic design help the environment? ›

Lowers global emissions

Incorporating biophilic design in our own places includes the use of sustainable and natural materials. By using those materials, we help in reducing carbon emissions considerably.

Why is nature good for healing? ›

Being in nature can help reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, enhance immune system function and boost self-esteem and mood.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.