457 Spanish Last Names (and Meanings) - Listophile (2024)

Spanish last names have an air of old-World dignity and contemporary flair that mirrors Spanish culture. Spain is a land of amazing food and interesting people, and their surnames inspire similar awe and interest. Here, we’ve curated lists of some of the most commonly used Spanish last names and have sorted surnames by topic as a more direct resource.

What are Spanish Last Names?

Spanish last names carry the complex history of the Iberian Peninsula and the cultures that helped form Spanish identity over the years. Spanish surnames are commonly hyphenated, so last names in Spain give a good insight into genealogy. Major themes found in Spanish surnames are geographic locations, patronyms, and occupations. Common Spanish-American last names include Garcia, Rodriguez, Martinez, Hernandez, and Lopez. Unique Spanish-American last names include Cruz, Silva, Santos, Vega, and Ventura.

One of the most remarkable qualities of Spanish surnames is how they sound when spoke, as the Spanish language is a Romance Language, meaning it is in a family of languages branching out from Latin. Many Spanish words have Latin origins and connections, reflected in surnames from Latin words. Other local languages and dialects, like Castilian and Basque, are also reflected in Spanish surnames. Garcia is a popular surname and is of Basque origin, and Lopez comes from a Latin word. Religion has dramatically impacted Spanish history, and Catholic themes and figures inspire many Spanish last names. This page comprehensively lists common Spanish last names and curated lists of surnames by theme.

Top 100 Spanish Last Names

Here, we present our list of the most common Spanish last names and meanings, the perfect start to learning about this unique culture. Common Spanish last names often originate from historical, occupational, and geographic name, and patronyms, which indicate a person’s father’s name.

  1. Garcia – Son of Garcia
  2. Rodriguez – Son of Rodrigo
  3. Gonzalez – Son of Gonzalo
  4. Fernandez – Son of Fernando
  5. Lopez – Son of Lope
  6. Martinez – Son of Martin
  7. Sanchez – Son of Sancho
  8. Perez – Son of Pedro
  9. Gomez – Son of Gomez
  10. Martin – Son of Martin
  11. Jimenez – Son of Jimeno
  12. Ruiz – Son of Ruy
  13. Hernandez – Son of Hernando
  14. Diaz – Son of Diego
  15. Moreno – Dark-skinned
  16. Muñoz – Son of Munio
  17. Alvarez – Son of Alvaro
  18. Romero – Pilgrim to Rome
  19. Alonso – Noble and Ready
  20. Gutierrez – Son of Gutierre
  21. Navarro – From Navarre
  22. Torres – Towers
  23. Dominguez – Son of Domingo
  24. Ramos – Branches
  25. Vazquez – Son of Vazco
  26. Gil – Pledge, Security
  27. Ramirez – Son of Ramiro
  28. Serrano – From the Mountains
  29. Blanco – White
  30. Molina – Millstone
  31. Morales – Mulberry Tree
  32. Suarez – Son of Suero
  33. Ortega – Nettle
  34. Delgado – Slim
  35. Castro – Castle
  36. Ortiz – Son of Ortun
  37. Rubio – Blond
  38. Marin – Sailor
  39. Sanz – Holy
  40. Iglesias – Churches
  41. Medina – Town
  42. Nuñez – Son of Nuno
  43. Garrido – Watchful
  44. Castillo – Castle
  45. Cortes – Courteous
  46. Lozano – Smooth
  47. Guerrero – Warrior
  48. Santos – Saints
  49. Cano – White
  50. Prieto – Dark
  51. Cruz – Cross
  52. Mendez – Son of Mendo
  53. Calvo – Bald
  54. Vidal – Life
  55. Gallego – Galician
  56. Herrera – Blacksmith
  57. Cabrera – Goatherd
  58. Flores – Flowers
  59. Peña – Rock
  60. Leon – Lion
  61. Marquez – Marquis
  62. Campos – Fields
  63. Vega – Meadow
  64. Fuentes – Fountains
  65. Carrasco – Thicket
  66. Diez – Tenth
  67. Reyes – Kings
  68. Caballero – Gentleman, Knight
  69. Nieto – Grandson
  70. Pascual – Easter
  71. Aguilar – Eagle
  72. Santana – Holy Ann
  73. Herrero – Blacksmith
  74. Ferrer – Blacksmith
  75. Lorenzo – Lawrence
  76. Gimenez – Son of Gimeno
  77. Hidalgo – Noble
  78. Montero – Hunter
  79. Ibañez – Son of Juan
  80. Santiago – Santiago, Saint James
  81. Mora – Mulberry Tree
  82. Vicente – Vincent
  83. Vargas – Fences
  84. Arias – Son of Arias
  85. Duran – Enduring
  86. Benitez – Son of Benito
  87. Carmona – From Carmona
  88. Crespo – Curly
  89. Pastor – Shepherd
  90. Soto – Grove
  91. Soler – Sunny
  92. Roman – Roman
  93. Velasco – Crow
  94. Saez – Son of Sae
  95. Moya – From Moya
  96. Parra – Vine
  97. Esteban – Stephen
  98. Bravo – Brave
  99. Rojas – Red
  100. Gallardo – Brave or spirited

Unique Spanish Last Names

Many of this list’s unique Spanish last names have nontraditional backgrounds and meanings. Many of these Spanish last names can be traced back to specific regions or localities in Spain

  1. Acosta – From the coast
  2. Aguirre – The one who lives by the water
  3. Alvarado – From Alvaro
  4. Barrera – Barrier or fence
  5. Barrios – Neighborhoods
  6. Bautista – Baptist
  7. Belmonte – Beautiful mountain
  8. Cabello – Hair
  9. Calderon – Cauldron
  10. Camacho – Crooked nose
  11. Cardenas – Worthy
  12. Carrera – Career or race
  13. Carrillo – Little cart
  14. Castañeda – Chestnut grove
  15. Cazorla – From Cazorla
  16. Chavez – Falconer
  17. Contreras – Opposite shores
  18. Cordero – Lamb
  19. Cueva – Cave
  20. Escobar – Thicket
  21. Espinosa – Thorny
  22. Estrada – Road or street
  23. Figueroa – Fig tree
  24. Franco – Free
  25. Galán – Gallant or handsome
  26. Galvan – Young warrior
  27. Gonzales – Son of Gonzalo
  28. Gonzalo – Battle-ready
  29. Guerra – War
  30. Guzman – Good man
  31. Juarez – Son of Juana
  32. Jurado – Sworn
  33. Lucas – From Luke
  34. Luna – Moon
  35. Macias – Son of Mácia
  36. Maldonado – Badly given or granted
  37. Mejia – Best
  38. Mendoza – Cold mountain
  39. Montes – Mountains
  40. Montoya – Thicket hill
  41. Moran – Moraine or marsh
  42. Naranjo – Orange tree
  43. Ochoa – Eighth
  44. Orozco – From Orozco
  45. Pacheco – Peaceful
  46. Padilla – Shield
  47. Palma – Palm tree
  48. Pardo – Brown
  49. Paredes – Walls
  50. Pineda – Pine forest
  51. Ponce – Five
  52. Reina – Queen
  53. Ríos – Rivers
  54. Rivas – Riverbanks
  55. Rivera – Riverbank
  56. Robles – Oaks
  57. Rocha – Rocky
  58. Rosales – Rose bushes
  59. Rueda – Wheel
  60. Saavedra – Savior
  61. Salas – Halls or rooms
  62. Salazar – Old hall
  63. Salinas – Salt flats
  64. Sandoval – Sandy valley
  65. Sierra – Mountain range
  66. Silva – Woods or forest
  67. Solis – Sun
  68. Sosa – Reed bed
  69. Trujillo – From Trujillo
  70. Valencia – Valiant
  71. Valenzuela – Fertile valley
  72. Vasquez – Son of Vasco
  73. Velazquez – Son of Velasco
  74. Velez – Son of Vela
  75. Vera – Truth
  76. Villa – Town or village
  77. Villanueva – New town
  78. Zamora – From Zamora
  79. Zaragoza – From Zaragoza

Cute Spanish Last Names

This list of cute Spanish last names shows that this romantic language can be adorable. These Spanish last names feature endearing or charming meanings and reflect affectionate sentiments.

  1. Alba – Dawn
  2. Alegre – Happy
  3. Amaya – Basque toponymic name
  4. Barcelo – From Barcelona
  5. Bello – Beautiful
  6. Bonet – Good
  7. Bonilla – Nice
  8. Bueno – Good
  9. Campillo – Little Field
  10. Casanova – New House
  11. Chaves – Keys
  12. Collado – Hillside
  13. Corral – Corral
  14. de La Rosa – Of the Rose
  15. de Leon – Of Leon
  16. del Campo – Of the Field
  17. Domingo – Sunday
  18. Falcon – Falcon
  19. Felipe – Philip
  20. Fuertes – Strong
  21. Gracia – Grace
  22. Hervas – Plentiful Harvest
  23. Jara – Rockrose
  24. Laguna – Lagoon
  25. Leiva – From Leiva
  26. Llamas – Flames
  27. Maestre – Master
  28. Manzano – Apple Tree
  29. Mari – Basque toponymic name
  30. Marti – From Martin
  31. Maya – Basque toponymic name
  32. Mayor – Greater
  33. Merino – Royal Official
  34. Mesa – Table
  35. Miguel – Michael
  36. Mira – Look
  37. Miro – Look
  38. Moreira – Dark-skinned
  39. Nicolas – Nicholas
  40. Palacios – Palaces
  41. Palomino – Dove-colored
  42. Pazos – Country Houses
  43. Prada – Meadow
  44. Real – Royal
  45. Rey – King
  46. Rivero – Riverbank
  47. Rojo – Red
  48. Rosa – Rose
  49. San Martin – Saint Martin
  50. Santamaria – Saint Mary
  51. Serra – Mountain Range
  52. Sevilla – Seville
  53. Souto – Grove
  54. Valero – Valiant
  55. Valle – Valley
  56. Villegas – Towns

Pretty Spanish Last Names

This list of pretty Spanish last names reflects the beauty of Spanish coasts and castles. These surnames often incorporate elegant and pleasing elements in their meanings, with a sense of beauty and grace.

  1. Amoros – Loving
  2. Ariza – Name of a Town
  3. Armas – Arms
  4. Barea – Barren Land
  5. Barranco – Ravine
  6. Barrero – Clay Worker
  7. Bejarano – From Bejar
  8. Berenguer – Bear-spear
  9. Borja – Thicket
  10. Borras – Sons of Borra
  11. Cabeza – Head
  12. Calle – Street
  13. Calleja – Small Street
  14. Carreño – Dear
  15. Catalan – Catalan
  16. Cerezo – Cherry Tree
  17. Cuesta – Slope
  18. da Silva – Of Silva
  19. del Castillo – Of the Castle
  20. del Olmo – Of the Elm
  21. del Pino – Of the Pine
  22. dos Santos – Of the Saints
  23. Escudero – Squire
  24. Ferrero – Blacksmith
  25. Garces – Son of Garcia
  26. Heras – Stones
  27. Huertas – Orchards
  28. Llorens – Laurels
  29. Lucena – Bright
  30. Luengo – Long
  31. Luque – From Luque
  32. Marques – Marquis
  33. Melero – Apple Tree
  34. Mellado – Toothless
  35. Montesinos – Little Mountains
  36. Montoro – Golden Mountain
  37. Mosquera – Mosquito Keeper
  38. Moyano – Dark
  39. Pallares – Fields
  40. Palomares – Dovecotes
  41. Palomo – Dove
  42. Piñero – Pine Tree
  43. Plaza – Square
  44. Prados – Meadows
  45. Puertas – Doors
  46. Rebollo – Wild Pear Tree
  47. Redondo – Round
  48. Ribera – Riverside
  49. Romera – Pilgrim
  50. Sainz – Saints
  51. Tejero – Roofer
  52. Tortosa – From Tortosa
  53. Valera – Valiant
  54. Valiente – Brave
  55. Veiga – Meadow
  56. Vilar – Town
  57. Villar – Town
  58. Villaverde – Green Village
  59. Vives – Lively

Cool Spanish Last Names

This list of cool Spanish last names is perfect for someone looking for a more Old-World cool factor. These Spanish surnames often exude uniqueness and charisma, making them stand out.

  1. Alcaraz – Place name in Spain
  2. Ballesteros – Bailiffs
  3. Barba – Beard
  4. Barbero – Barber
  5. Bellido – Beautiful
  6. Benito – Blessed
  7. Blasco – Woolly
  8. Cabezas – Heads
  9. Calero – Cool
  10. Camara – Chamber
  11. Campo – Field
  12. Cantero – Quarryman
  13. Carbonell – Little Coal
  14. Caro – Expensive
  15. Carreras – Races
  16. Carretero – Wagoner
  17. Castellano – Castilian
  18. Castello – Castle
  19. Castilla – Land of Castles
  20. Cervera – Fertile Land
  21. Cordoba – From Cordoba
  22. Corrales – Corrals
  23. De La Cruz – Of the Cross
  24. de Miguel – Of Michael
  25. Del Rio – Of the River
  26. del Valle – Of the Valley
  27. Diego – James
  28. Estevez – Stephen
  29. Exposito – Exposed
  30. Ferreiro – Blacksmith
  31. Gascon – Gascon
  32. Grande – Big
  33. Haro – Place name in Spain
  34. Lago – Lake
  35. Latorre – Tower
  36. Lazaro – Lazarus
  37. Manso – Gentle
  38. Marco – Mark
  39. Marcos – Mark
  40. Mateo – Matthew
  41. Mateos – Matthew
  42. Millan – Milan
  43. Morillo – Little Moor
  44. Mota – Hill
  45. Padron – Registers
  46. Piñeiro – Pine Tree
  47. Pino – Pine
  48. Pizarro – Land of Birds
  49. Riera – Riverbank
  50. Roca – Rock
  51. Salvador – Savior
  52. Sancho – Saint James
  53. Sanjuan – Saint John
  54. Sarmiento – Grapes
  55. Tello – Little Hill
  56. Tirado – Thrown
  57. Toro – Bull
  58. Urbano – Urban
  59. Valles – Valleys
  60. Vaquero – Cowboy
  61. Ventura – Good Luck

Rare Spanish Last Names

Our list of rare Spanish last names showcases Spain’s hidden history and languages. These surnames have been passed down through generations across Spanish history.

  1. Afonso – Noble and ready
  2. Aguilera – Falconer
  3. Alcantara – From Alcántara
  4. Alfaro – From Alfaro
  5. Alfonso – Noble and ready
  6. Baez – Son of Baeza
  7. Becerra – Shepherd
  8. Bermudez – Son of Bermudo
  9. Bernal – Brave bear
  10. Blazquez – Son of Blas
  11. Borrego – Lamb
  12. Cardona – From Cardona
  13. Castellanos – From Castile
  14. Chacon – From Chacón
  15. Correa – Leather strap
  16. Costa – Coast
  17. Cuevas – Caves
  18. Davila – From Ávila
  19. de Castro – Of Castro
  20. De La Fuente – Of the fountain
  21. De La Torre – Of the tower
  22. Duarte – Wealthy guardian
  23. Enriquez – Son of Enrique
  24. Ferreira – Blacksmith
  25. Galindo – Gentle and noble
  26. Granados – Pomegranate trees
  27. Guillen – Descendant of Guillen
  28. Huerta – Orchard
  29. Hurtado – Wounded
  30. Leal – Loyal
  31. Madrid – From Madrid
  32. Mata – Killed or defeated
  33. Medrano – Place of thorns
  34. Moro – Moor
  35. Muñiz – Son of Muño
  36. Orellana – From Orellana
  37. Osorio – Descendant of Osorio
  38. Peralta – High pear tree
  39. Pereira – Pear tree
  40. Portillo – Small port
  41. Quintana – Fifth child
  42. Quintero – Place of vines
  43. Rico – Rich
  44. Rosado – Rosy or pink
  45. Saenz – Descendant of Sancho
  46. Salgado – Salty
  47. Salmeron – Descendant of Sancho
  48. Segura – Secure or safe
  49. Soriano – Sorian, from Soria
  50. Varela – From Varela
  51. Zafra – Harvest
  52. Zapata – Shoemaker

Uncommon Spanish Last Names

These Spanish last names are uncommon and can be distinctive to particular families. Many carry unique meanings, reflecting various historical, geographical, or occupational origins.

  1. Abril – April
  2. Alvaro – From Alvaro
  3. Amador – Lover or admirer
  4. Aragon – From Aragón
  5. Aviles – From Avilés
  6. Barragan – Variant of Barragán
  7. Batista – Baptist
  8. Brito – Breton
  9. Burgos – From Burgos
  10. Bustamante – Tall mountain
  11. Canales – Canals
  12. Casado – Married
  13. Casas – Houses
  14. Cerda – Hog or boar
  15. Dieguez – Son of Diego
  16. Galvez – Descendant of Galvo
  17. Gamez – Son of Gama
  18. Heredia – Place of herbs
  19. Ledesma – Wide, open field
  20. Linares – From Linares
  21. Machado – Descendant of Machado
  22. Maroto – Brave
  23. Marrero – Blacksmith
  24. Mena – Small
  25. Moron – Fool
  26. Navarrete – Small plain
  27. Nogales – Walnut trees
  28. Ojeda – Parting or leaving
  29. Oliva – Olive
  30. Olivares – Olive groves
  31. Ordoñez – Descendant of Ordoño
  32. Otero – Heath or moorland
  33. Patiño – From Patiño
  34. Paz – Peace
  35. Pedrosa – Stony ground
  36. Pinto – Painted
  37. Prado – Meadow
  38. Pulido – Polished
  39. Salcedo – Willow grove
  40. Sampedro – Saint Peter
  41. Segarra – Dry or barren land
  42. Serna – Sern, from Soria
  43. Solano – Sunny
  44. Toledo – From Toledo
  45. Valdes – From Valdés
  46. Vallejo – Small valley
  47. Vela – Sail
  48. Villena – From Villena
  49. Yañez – Son of Juan
  50. Zambrano – Place of brambles

More Lists:

  • Spanish First Names
  • Hispanic Last Names
  • Mexican Last Names
  • Colombian Last Names
  • Italian Last Names
  • German Last Names
  • French Last Names
  • → See all Last Names by Nationality ~ Start Here

Famous People with Spanish Last Names

Rafael Nadal is an athlete once ranked as the best tennis player in the world. Born in Spain in 1986, he has a lengthy list of championship tennis awards he has accumulated throughout his career, including 22 Grand Slams and two Olympic Gold Medals. Nadal originates from the Latin word’ natalis,’ which means ‘birthday.’

Penélope Cruz is recognized around the world for her acting and modeling career. She has performed in movies such as Volver and Nine, which earned her Golden Globe nominations. Cruz is a Spanish last name that means ‘cross,’ referring to the Biblical crucifixion.

Pablo Picasso is one of history’s most influential artists. He was born in Spain in 1881 and was a painter, sculptor, and theater designer who co-founded the modern Cubist art form. The last name, Picasso, comes from his maternal line and is likely a nickname from Ligurian, an ancient Genoa language that means ‘pickaxe.’

Antonio Banderas is the stage name for Spanish actor and singer José Antonio Domínguez Bandera. He was born in 1960 and has acted in different genres, from dramatic films to children’s movies. The surname Banderas comes from the word’ bandera,’ which means ‘flag-bearer.’

Francisco Goya is an icon of Spanish painting. Born in Spain in 1746, his paintings and engravings have become synonymous with Spanish romanticism art styles. The surname Goya has two origins: one is of Basque origin, stemming from the word ‘goia,’ which means ‘upper part,’ or from a Galician geographic name for a place in Lugo Province.


Information from the Spanish Statistics National Institute which collects, analyses, and publishes information on Spanish last names was used to collect this data. If you want to learn more about Spanish surnames in America, you will find an article here on Spanish last names.

457 Spanish Last Names (and Meanings) - Listophile (2024)


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